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2 Month time skip...

Today marks a year for me here. I probably had a birthday but I don't know when. We have got new greenies. One is called Winston and he seems to like working at the blood house so we made him keeper of that and another older looking boy who arrived one hour ago. It has been extremely boring and I have had nothing to do. Newt and Minho are getting fed up too but at least we all have each other. The only runners are me, Minho and Nick but Newt worries all the time that I will get stuck. I walk up to Minho and ask 

"How old do you think we are?" 

"I have no idea but you will have definitely grown 1 year." He replies

"Thanks Minho, I had no idea" I say sarcastically,

"Come on lighten up - we have to look after the greenbean" Minho says,

"Can't you do it I want to rest. My head hurts" I tell him,

"Ugh fine" He replies "But only because it is your Gladeday"

"Great Minho. Who would have thought if that amazing idea" I say. I then walk off to the homestead and sleep in my hammock. It is quiet. Almost too quiet.  I walk out and all the Glader had gone. Then I see a huge ball of fire swing over my head. 

"Happy Gladeday," Minho shouts from behind the bush.

"Fuck Minho, that nearly gave me a heart attack" I say. I start to smell smoke. The fire ball ahd set a bush on fire. 

"Bloody hell Minho, I told him not to do it y/n but he insisted" Newt says "Come on out guys" The rest of the Gladers all come out from behind the bushes and they direct me to the fire-pit. I see loads of things wrapped up and a huge cake saying Happy Gladeday on it. I smile.

"Thank you guys, it means a lot" I say.

"Glad you like it" Nick says smiling,

"Right," Frypan says "We all made you a present, even Gally" I look at Gally and tilt my head to the side at him just to say that I appreciate it. 

"You gonna open them or not" Alby says. I grab the first one which is from Zart, he had given me a pretty flower and a pot to put it in. 

"Thank you Zart" I say excitedly. I then open Alby's which was a pillow. Winston gave me a hamburger, the new greenie gave me a leaf with a heart on it and Frypan gave me a selection of cupcakes. Nick made me a jumper which I love and lastly was Newt, Gally and Minho.

"What one do I open first shanks?" I ask,

"Open mine so it's over and done with"Gally says. I open it and it was a rock which he had drawn a smiley face on,

"Thank you for this meaningful gift Gally" I say laughing,

"Hopefully it will remind you of the stones we threw down the box" Gally answers,

"And this suddenly turned morbid" Minho says. None of the other Gladers knew what happened to George so they were pretty confused.

"Moving on, open mine next" Newt says. He had probably wrapped his up the best. I open it and see a box and in that box was a necklace. On the necklace it said: always and forever. I start tearing up and hug Newt. 

"I'll never take it off" I whisper. Lastly it was Minho who had the worst wrapping of them all. I open it up and instantly smile. He had made me a blanket.

"Thanks Minho" I say. I hug him tightly and he says

"No problem. Lots of people have one of my homemade blankets, but you don't so I thought I should make you one" 

"I love it" I say smiling "Thank you Minho for the best Gladeday I could of ever had"

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