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I wake up on Newt's lap and I walk towards the homestead to wake up everyone else. Me, Minho and  the other three runners all run into the maze. We finish looking and come back to the Glade and see everyone working. Frypan makes us all dinner and Newt, Minho, Nick and I all go off to the woods.

"It's about time we show you this Nick" Minho says. We take him into our hut and he looks around.

"When did you make this?" He asks,

"Ages ago" Minho replies.

"Seriously? I can't believe I didn't get the honour to see it ages ago" He says.

"Well I wanted to but those shanks said that you would tell everyone" I exclaim,

"Promise us you won't" Newt says,

"Ugh fine" Nick answers. We all sit down on some cushions and talk.

"Well how is things between Newt and you y/n" Minho asks,

"Good" I reply,

"Just good?" Minho asks,

"No of course not Minho I just don't think you need to know everything" I say,

"But I want to knnoowww" He says, "You guys have nearly been together for one year and you haven't had one single argument"

"Well that's because we have nothing to argue about" Newt  answers, 

"Have you even said I love you yet?" Minho says,

"Seriously Minho" I say annoyed,

"Please humour me and Nick by telling us" He exclaims. I look at Newt and he nods his head.

"We did last night" I say,

"AWWWWWW" Minho and Nick shout. I crawl over to Newt and sit next to him.

"Sorry, he wasn't going to let it go" I state,

"Don't worry about it love" Newt replies. He kisses me forehead and nuzzle my head on his shoulder.  

"So Newt what do you think of y/n" Minho says demandingly.

"This is starting to sound like a bloody interrogation" Newt answers

"TELL ME" Minho screams


"But we just want to know" Nick says innocently,

"I think she is the most amazing shank I have ever met. She cares so much about everyone here and always puts herself before others - even if it means risking her life. And I love her" Newt exclaims. Minho and Nick seem so invested in how me and Newt are doing, it's almost entertaining. ALMOST, mostly annoying though. I look at Newt and smile.

"Newt don't take y/n away from us" Minho says,

"He won't Minho don't worry. There will always be room for another shank in my heart" I declare.

"That sounded like a poem" Nick says.

"Thank you for the compliment" I answer.

"Moving on, if you could kill anyone in the Glade, who would it be" Minho states 

"I would say umm Alby because we don't really know him and he is a rude slinthead" Nick exclaims,

"Maybe Zart? He bosses me around in the gardens and annoys the hell out of me" Newt says after

"I would say Gally because he hates all of us" Minho replies,

"That's mean Minho. Gally has been here the longest after you and me and he only hates us cause of what happened to George." I utter.

"Who would you say then?" Minho asks,

"No one. Everyone here copes differently and we have to except that" I reply. We then all get up and go towards the homestead and fall asleep.

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