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I make Minho his hair gel and he uses it wayyy too often. We went into the maze yesterday and saw that it was the same as number 2 on the maps. Minho now definitely thought that it was an ongoing thing. We made notes of everything we know about the maze and The Glade in the map room. Minho and I have become really close and we feel comfortable around each other. Today we are expecting the maze to be on 3 if the pattern is the same. We decided we will go out for 3 hours instead of 1 just so we can discover more quicker. 

We name all the doors in the Glade. The North door, North East, South and South west. We have only examined the North door but once we learn everything about that we will check the next. We walk towards the North door and confirm it is the same as 3. We ran to the point we had got to before just so we would have more time to see more. Once we had gone for 1 and a half hours we would turn back and still have at least 5 hours until the doors close. We finish our water quickly so I make a note on bringing 2 bottles. 

Time skip 19 days later...

Today we will see if a new person arrives. I hope there is; even though I love Minho it gets boring with 2 people and there is so much work to do everyday and we get so tired. The maze pattern remains the same and I have made a whole room for me and Minho's clothes.

"Hey y/n, are you gonna make cupcakes for the newbie?" Minho yells from across The Glade.

"I don't even know if there will be someone else Minho."

"Well be hopeful" he says smiling.

"Are you that fed up of me?" I say

"Yes you are a boring shank" He shouts. I stick my middle finger up at him and go to make cupcakes for a person who would probably never come. I set up another hammock in the homestead for them and I try to make it nice and homely. Minho them comes to me and looks really proud of himself. 

"Why are you looking so smug?" I ask.

"I just made a blanket for the newbie." He answers.

"Wow congrats lemme see" I look at the blanket and see his stitching. It was all over the place. I put a thumbs up at him and he smiles. It is 1:45 and a new person or the platform should be up in 15 minutes. We sit on a log and wait.

We start to hear a noise coming up for a box and we cautiously get up. I hear the chains and the horrible ringing noise. Minho starts pacing around. The noise gets louder and louder until it stops. We open the box and in there was a boy. I smile at him. He looks at me confused.

"Hey Greenie" says Minho.

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