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Alby was right about Chuck because he can't do any of the jobs. He is a slopper with Billy but I get him to help Fry in the kitchen sometimes. 

"Y/n?" Chuck asks,

"Yes Chuck" I reply,

"Do you think I have parents?"

"I think we all have a family out there who are waiting for us to come back. We will get back there Chuck I promise you. You will see your parents again"

"How are you so sure?"

"Because Minho and I have hope. That's why" Chuck cleans the homestead with Billy and I walk over to Minho. "We have to get out of here Minho"

"We will y/n and if we don't we can stay here, it's not terrible" Minho says

"When we end up with 1000 Gladers you will be regretting you said that" I say laughing. 

Time skip - 2 weeks...

Chuck has been here a while now and he still hasn't got used to it. He is extremely scared of the Grievers and can't sleep at night. Newt and I are better than ever and Minho has been giving Chuck fighting lessons. Frypan makes us all breakfast and we sit by the bonfire and talk like usual. 

"Y/n why are you the only girl here?" Chuck asks,

"I don't know" I reply,

"The people who sent us here probably didn't want to send another girl here because they know y/n would rip her apart" Minho explains,

"WHATTTTT nnoo" I reply,

"It's is bloody true. They wouldn't survive a night here" Newt says. All the other Gladers agree,

"HEY" I shout "Even though it is partially true you guys can at least pretend that it is not" 

"Sure" Minho replies sarcastically.

1 week until the next greenie arrives...

Chuck has learnt many fighting skills with Minho but he isn't very good at them. Newt is excited about the new greenie and so is Minho but Gally hates anything social so he doesn't want any new people coming into the Glade. Minho, Ben, Nick and I all go running like usual and I come back and see the boys circling around something. I run over and push past them and see Chuck crying his eyes out whilst holding something made out of wood.

"GIVE HIM SPACE YOU SHANKS" I shout. All the boys move away and carry on working. "Chuck I'm here, It's going to be ok"

"I want to go back home" He whispers softly,

"I know, so does everyone" I reply, "What's in your hand"

"I made something for my parents to give to them if I don't make it" He says,

"What do you mean if you don't make it"

"I went to the deadheads today and saw the graves"

"Chuck I promise that won't happen to you. I will protect you with my life ok"

"Ok" He answers.

1 hour until the new greenie arrives,

"It's going to be a boy" Minho says,

"Yes I know" I mumble. Fry makes us lunch and we wait by the box. 

"You ok love?" Newt asks me,

"Yeah I'm fine, just want to get the greenie to hurry up" The box starts whirring and we stand still waiting. I hear screams coming from the box and it stops. 

Gally and Newt open the box and stare. I look down at the greenie and he looks very confused.

"Day one greenie, rise and shine" Gally says.

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