02 - 'Not so perfect stranger'

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Copyright © 2011 Lauren Tricksey     

Not so perfect stranger

The rest of the weekend went by unsurprisingly fast - unsurprising since I knew it was because I was dreading today- Monday. My first day at my new high school, Caliver High.

Looking over at my clock it read 7:30. I was running late, I can't believe I was going to be late on my first day!

In a frantic rush, I pulled on the carefully planned outfit I'd laid out on the chair beside my bed. Taking a deep breath I looked in the mirror. I smiled as I looked back at my reflection - happy that I had rather successfully pulled off the American look I had seen girls wearing yesterday at the mall. Ah...Not that I was going to fit in any way. Who was I kidding?! My accent alone would separate me out from my peers.

My smile left the reflections face as I looked at my clashing appearance - by clashing I'm talking about my jet black hair which naturally twisted into ringlets half way down, pale white skin and baby blue eyes. The three features totally shouldn't go together, and I guess they didn't but I was born this way. A few times I had thought of changing my hair color, but my parents and friends would have always given me this horrified expression.

But anyway enough with the way I look...Time for school.

The bus stop was about half a mile away from the house, but I reassured Gran I would be fine. So here I was, a seventeen-year-old walking to the bus stop. How sad is this?! Back home I couldn't get my license because my parents couldn't afford lessons and I certainly couldn't pay for them myself. I sighed, I really wanted my own car...

Images of my future car filled my consciousness as I arrived at the bus stop. There was no one waiting and so when the orange bus pulled up, I was the only one to get on. Awkward! I could feel my heart beating double time as I looked back at all the staring faces. The only comfort being was that most of the kids were considerably younger than me. 15-year-old - ones that couldn't drive!

None of the kids said a word to me the whole journey, though they continued to stare

"Do you see something you like? Because I don't" I glared at a couple of young teenage boys who were literally turned in their seats to look at me. The boys just laughed hitting each other, one even had the little guts to mutter 'yea' under his breath.

Kids, I rolled my eyes.

Did I mention - I REALLY NEED MY OWN CAR!!!!

Finally, we arrived at Caliver high school. I was a little relieved that I didn't have to sort out my schedule, as thanks to Gran I'd picked it up yesterday.

My heart was racing again as I looked at all the students getting out of their cars, greeting friends, and... kissing.

Standing on the bus as I waited for the kids to clamber off, I caught sight of the school entrance. A plan formed in my head to make a quite B line towards it.

I casually sunk my hands in my jacket pockets- something I tended to do when I was nervous, took a deep breath and began the first few steps towards the comforting doors. I didn't like the way the students would stop their conversations as I walked past, it made me feel uncomfortable and I as much as I tried, I couldn't seem to walk any faster.

"Hey!" I very clearly heard a guy call, but I tried to act as if I hadn't. I didn't want to stop now, so instead of turning around I kept my head down and hoped he would just let me go.

"Hey, I'm taking a survey" He was right beside me now and I looked up to see a guy with dusty brown hair and brown eyes, admittedly he was hot, but on first impressions, his football jacket just screamed player.

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