6.1 - 'The un-known visitor'

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- A week later -

I was actually starting to feel like I belong. I mean I still got the stares and the bitchy comments from random girls who I don't even know. And pervy boys whose names I would much rather forget, but overall, I was actually starting to like it here. I had easily slipped into an everyday routine, which goes a bit like this,

1) Wake up

2) Eat breakfast with gran

3) Get a lift to school by the lovely Wesley Iverson

4) Play happy couple with Wes by the side of his car (I couldn't help but notice, that he rather liked this part of the day, even though we had discussed that it was only for show)

5) Bare the first few lesson and ignore the perverted comments from my fellow, human male classmates ('human' because most of the wolf boys, though I was already permanently taken by Wes, although if they were to look closely, they would have been able to see quite clearly that Wes has not 'marked' me and never will)

6) Sit with the pack at our lunch table (yes, I was now a permanent member of the pack, and am loving it!)

7) Prepare myself for pure torture, as I walk to the gym

8) Spend the last couple of lessons in a grueling two- hour gym class with my worse teacher - Mr. Lee's, and try extremely hard not to attack Gianna, in the middle of the cheerleading field.

9) Go back to Wesley's house with the rest of the pack and hang out.

10) Then, my favorite part of the day, - go wolf form, with the pack!

It was now number 5 on my list, meaning I was sat in my maths class, staring at the clock, which seemed to be frozen, I mean for goodness sake I swear its been on 12:32 for like an hour! Chase was at my side, leaning back on his chair, with his hood up, covering his blaring music coming out of his earphones, as he checked out the girl in front, who either liked the feeling of air whooshing past her bare flesh, or hadn't yet realized her jeans where low enough, to give the rest of us full view of her fake tanned, exposed, butt crack. eww!!!!

Brody was on my other side. he wasn't much better. Granted he wasn't staring at the girl's ass, instead, he seemed to be having a full on text conversation with June.

AWW, when was this lesson going to end! Was the teacher even speaking English anymore? I don't know!

"Oi! Mr. Glyder!" now that was English, my attention went back to the teacher as she caught Brody texting "are you texting in my class again!" she shouted, causing Chase to jump beside me.

"No, I just randomly looked down at my dick and started smiling" he grinned at her, wait! Did he really just say that to a teacher? Haha, he's got guts. I found myself laughing with the rest of the class, well everyone apart from Chase who was looking at us like we were mad,

That's what you get for listing to your I pod in class, Chase I laughed at him in my thoughts. Oh, how I liked this mind reading thing. It was pretty cool, - well, with the minor exception of seeing yourself naked in the extremely vivid imagination of Chase and occasionally Wes, which I admit was slightly unnerving.


"So, we wanna show you something" the boys grinned at Me and June when we were finally seated at our lunch table.

"What is it?" June rolled her eyes. She still didn't like the idea of being a wolf, but Brody had been able to persuade her into becoming her wolf again and to join Wesley's pack like the rest of us, and even though she was a bit reluctant at first I think she is actually starting to like it.

"It's a surprise" Wes, beamed.

"Yeah, well as long as it's not going to take long because I promised my mom that Brody and I will be back for a 'family' dinner" she rolled her eyes at the family part. From the way she's been panicking all week, the whole 'meet the parents' seemed to be freaking her out more than it was freaking Brody out. Apparently, her father knows Brody just a bit too well, and had warned June, throughout her childhood to 'stay away from kids like Brody Glyder' I must admit, that was not a sit-down meal, I would like to be a part off.

"Okay, so we'll come to pick you up at 7" Quinn grinned, placing his arm around my shoulder, and then kind of cringing away when he received an almost deathly glare from Wes. Sky, I think he's starting to like you more than he should... my self-consciousness had been eating away at me all week. I don't think Wesley, likes me any more than just a teenage crush because let's face it. We were in the same boat. We can never love anyone apart from our mate, but still. I think we might be getting a little bit too close for comfort, and the way he's so protective of me, is a tiny bit overbearing at times, but mainly in an older brother kind of way, rather than a boyfriend way.

"Hey, Gran" I called out when we arrived back at mine.

"Hey girls!" she called back and I realized she was in the living room - probably knitting.

"Hey Mrs. Lakeland" June, called back.

"Oh hello June, and Sky dear, someone came round today, some lad, he wanted to see you"

"What? Who was he?" I asked, deciding to go into the lounge and talk to her.

"Oh he didn't say, just asked if you lived here" she shrugged, not looking up from her knitting like it was no big deal.

"Um, so what happened?" I asked curious, who would be knocking for me, in the middle of the day?

"Well he knocked on the door, and asked me if a Skyler Evan's lived here"

"And you said?" I prompted, who was this guy? I didn't know anyone here apart from Gran, a couple of her friends and the people at school - which wouldn't have come knocking for me at school hours on a weekday.

"I told him, that no one by that name, lives here"

"You did" I smiled surprised. "but why?"

"Look dear, I might be old but I'm not stupid, why would I conform to someone whom I've never met, the whereabouts of my only granddaughter?" she smiled.

"Um, thanks" I smiled. Storing what Gran had just told me at the back of my head, ready to think about it at some later date, because right now, June and I needed to get ready, for the 'surprise' the guys where supposing going to show to us today.

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