08 - 'Alpha, Aggression and Agony'

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                                               Copyright © 2011 Lauren Tricksey

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                                                            Chapter Eight

                                               'Alpha, Aggression and Agony'

Sky's POV

"Get, the hell off her!" His voice echoed through the forest with such an authority, that the wolves on top of me couldn't get off fast enough. Leaving me laying flat on my back, trying my best to keep my eyes shut so I could try to somehow reassemble my jumbled up thoughts. This can't be happening to me! NO! AHHH, he can't be! I will not accept it! I AM NOT HIS MATE!

"If you've f*cking hurt her, I swear to god I'll kill you!" I heard him shout, but he was closer to me now. Oh just go away! I moaned in my head.

"Hey, Angel are you okay? Did they hurt you?" He murmured as his hand made contact with my cheek, causing me to jerk away from him. I didn't want to feel sparks of electricity when he touched me.

"Don't touch her, or I swear I'll kill you!" I heard Wesley growl and opened my eyes quick enough to see him launch himself in the air towards Klaus.

"DON'T!" I blurted out, and then immediately slapped my hand to my mouth when I realized what I had just done, why did I just do that? it scared me because I knew it definitely wasn't in concern for Wesley... Urg, why do I want to protect that beast?

"Listen to her" Klaus smirked as he lay beneath Wesley's wolf form.

***Its okay babe, I can take him.*** Wesley thought to me before he lunged at Klaus's throat.

"STOP!" I screamed, my heart racing as I watched Wesley attack my mate. He didn't listen to me. He just continued his attack on Klaus- who by the way, was not reacting in any way shape or form. I stared in complete horror, as Wesley tore open his skin.

I don't know why I did what I did next. I had a feeling I wouldn't find out for a very long time, but that didn't stop me from crawling weakly to where they were (I would have been there faster if I hadn't hit my head so bloody hard.) Wesley didn't see me coming, and that was why when I finally pushed myself between the two of them, he was too caught up in the heat of the moment and bit me instead. As soon as his canines came into contact, so many things happened in the matter of nanoseconds that if I wasn't a werewolf, I would have never been able to take it all in. I screamed as I felt the sharp teeth puncher through my flesh, and with that Wesley jolted upright with a shocked expression flashing across his face in realization. Though I didn't see it for long because, in the same second, Klaus had wrapped his muscular arms around me and had rolled us over so that now I was pressed between his rock hard chest and the dirty forest floor.

His body acting as a human shield between me and Wesley.

There was an eerie silence as I stared shocked into his fierce grey eyes. He was close enough for me to feel the vibrations rolling off of his body so I could see how badly he wanted to change into his wolf and beat Wesley to death. But he was restraining himself, I could tell by the way his eyes reflected the self-battle he was having between his 'love struck' human, and his angry, protective, alpha wolf which I knew could quite easily rip off Wesley's head.

The scene was frozen for another second, not any of us moving an inch from the positions we were in- well with the exception of Klaus, who seemed to be shaking more. I could see the restraint he was trying so hard to put on himself. I watched as his eyes turned a dark black color, as his eyes pierced mine with a regretful emotion I couldn't quite place, and with that look, I knew that his wolf was taking over. If I didn't do something right now Wesley was going to be dead.

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