33 - 'Welcome Home Sweetheart'

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Evie's POV

I kept hold of Sky's hand the whole way through the airport while my father pulled her around, I felt horrible knowing I had been a part of this, but I really had no choice. It was either stay with my father under his protection. Or stay at the pack house, where I could have quite possibly been at the mercy of James... He was my alpha, meaning his command could not be ignored, and let's just say I've heard... *shivers*... stories, of how bad his commands could be, and no we are not talking extra 'wolf patrols' here, more like his personal play toys. He made me sick, and the thought of him wanting that from Sky scares me to death. This is why I couldn't stay with Wes. I had to do something to help her, if I didn't who will?

The plane journey was ruthless, I sat with my arms protectively around Sky as she slept, she didn't realise I was doing this though because I knew if she did, she would have pushed me away. She was still mad at me.

All journey I was thinking about everything, about her, about Klaus her mate which I had heard so much about – him being super-powerful and all. But even these thoughts couldn't keep me from the thoughts of Wesley.

A lone tear ran down my face and I quickly swiped it off, damn my tear ducts! Wesley told me I would cry tonight for him, and he was right. The little as$hole.

Yeah Wesley annoys me, but my annoyance comes from the fact that he hurts me, I don't like the way he loves Sky as a friend. Yeah I'm a jealous possessive bitch. Get over it.

Well actually I guess that isn't so true. I just hate it sometimes when Sky gets all the attention, because she's 'oh-so-beautiful' and gorgeous and funny and kind and smart. I've always been living in the shadow of her greatness and I guess when I thought of my mate. I had always longed for him to look at me the way the world looks at Sky. So it hurt when I found out he used to be in love with her. He says he's not anymore but he still loves her... she's the great one in his eyes too...

I guess you could say him and me are the same in that sense. He's lived in the shadow of his brother and I've lived in the shadow of my best friend. Funny how fate works out ey?

There was only about another hour of the flight left when I felt Sky stir. She opened her eyes after a while but they were still sagging.

"E...Evie?" she whispered in a rough detached way.

"Yes, its okay Sky" I tried to soothe her, as I ran my hand through her tousled hair.

She didn't say anything else and let her eyes fall shut again.

"You have to wake up Sky" I whispered closely to her ear. Most of the pack were asleep now, but that didn't mean they wouldn't hear.

She opened her eyes again and rubbed them purposely, but I could tell by the redness in them that she was fighting a losing battle.

"We're going to land soon" I looked at her raising my eyebrows and then securely placed a little note in her hand. She didn't catch on in her dousy state, so I rolled my eyes and put it in front of her nose.

She frowned at me, obviously still in a mood with me. I sighed to myself as she started to read the small note.

It told her that I was sorry and that I had no choice for my own safety. I also told her that I'd told Wesley where we were going and that he was going to show Klaus, and that they would come and save us.

Tears suddenly started to pour from her eyes, in a stream of silent longing. She scrunched the note up, before looking up at me and mouthing an 'I'm scared.'

I pulled her into my hug and rubbed her back as she cried silent tears. The selfish part of me realized I had missed Sky so much within the last few months. It was nice to have her back even in the circumstances.

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