34.2 - 'Let the Games Begin!'

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Chapter 34 (part 2)

Sky's POV

I couldn't sleep all night, the seconds had drowned into minutes and then minutes morphed into hours. I couldn't move either because there was this almighty omen of an arm holding me down as he slept beside me, heavily snoring in my ear.

I shivered in disgust as he lent his head over to rest it on my chest feeling thoroughly repulsed. I had a serious problem with trying not to gag, now his head was in a somewhat precarious position, though I knew I couldn't throw him off. It was all about time. The more time I could get before he realizes I'm not, in fact, Magdalene the better, I just need to wait until Klaus gets here. I reminded myself.

Unfortunately, even though I stuck to my plan, it failed. Within a few more minutes I was violently thrown across the room until my body made an ear-splitting crash against the opposite wall – The wall I had been aimlessly staring at all night. I fell to the ground and immediately grabbed hold of my rib cage as black spots filled my vision.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING IN MY BED!" The question of the century! Even threw the pain which was now radiating from my ribs and my head, I was able to roll my eyes.

"That's the question I've been asking myself all night! You obviously stopped believing I was Magdalene!" I spat sarcastically.

I saw him flinch as I mentioned his mates name before fury too over his eyes in one fell swoop.

"Don't talk about her! How could I ever think a b*tch like you could be her?!" He growled.

"I couldn't believe you confused a bitch like 'her' with me, but you did because you're messed up in the head!"

"You better watch your tone with me girl!" I watched as his body loomed over mine with a menacing smirk on his face. "I already killed your mother for what your father did, I don't want to rush into killing you." He snarled, and I unconsciously gulped as he mentioned my mum.

"YOU INCONSIDERATE A$SHOLE! MY FATHER DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! You killed my mother because you thought it was fun because you're a sick minded, mother f*cking creep!" I realized too late that, that was not the appropriate thing to say right now as he kicked me in the ribs again, causing me to cry out in agony.

"Watch what you say, just because you happen to be f*cking Mr. High-and-mighty Alpha, doesn't make you anything more than weak little Sky the sl*t- a murderous daughter" He chuckled as he watched me whither in pain.

"What the hell! I'm not f*cking him, and my father is not a murderer, that title only belongs to you!"

I watched as he bent down, so he was now crouching beside me, his face now only about a foot away from mine.

"Well, well, well poor little Skylar's been left in the dark. Did daddy forget to mention he killed my mate?" My jaw dropped open in shock, WHAT?! My dad's not a murderer! How can he even think that?

I was about to protest when he cut me off.

"How about we go down to the dungeons, and you can ask your murdering father yourself ey?" He spoke harshly as he roughly pulled me off the floor. I cried out in pain as he wrenched me up and threw me over one of his shoulders.

"You know I love to hear a girl cry in pain, it sends a wave of orgasmic thrill through me, I guess you could say it turns me on." He chuckled lightly, and I gulped back sick, this guy is seriously out of his mind, he needs to be killed himself or put in a padded room for the rest of his long life to slowly rot.

"Here we are, say hello to daddy" He laughed as he threw me across the room just like he had done before, but this time instead of a wall, I crashed into a set of painfully hard iron gates.

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