13 - 'Stupid, Sexy Laugh!'

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                                                     Copyright © 2011 Lauren Tricksey

                                                                  Chapter Thirteen

                                                                        Sky's POV

I was sitting on the porch steps. My head resting on my hands as I tried to put some logic back into my confused and jumbled up thoughts. I knew that we needed to talk. I had been putting off confronting him about being his mate for what seemed like ages. I knew we needed to talk it out eventually - because as much as I would love to forget altogether about the fact that this beautiful man (who had just beat the crap out of my best friend) was my mate. I just couldn't do it, over the last week he had appeared in every one of my dreams. Yes, dreams. Not nightmares. I was in love with him. I felt protected and safe when I was around him - and then I would wake up and have to remind myself that he wasn't the perfect man who held me close every night. He was still very much the insensitive a**hole, who slept with Vicky after he found out I was his mate. He slept with Wesley's virgin, long-term girlfriend and above all, he had basically ignored me and the fact that I was his mate. I mean anyone would think he was ashamed to have me as a mate... bastard he probably was, that's why he hadn't told anyone and hadn't paid me any attention in school...

Urg, Sky! This is messed up.

Klaus didn't emerge from the house for another couple of minutes, but through the thoughts of the guys, I could tell that he wasn't causing any more trouble to Wesley. In fact, through the minds of Chase and Quinn I could tell that he had gone upstairs, I growled slightly. Was he going to leave me out here? Can he not bare me to even be in his house?

I was about to storm back into that house and let all hell break loose, and shout my annoyed and angry thoughts from the bottom of the stairs, not caring if the boys heard.

As I debated in my head exactly what I was going to bellow up to him, - but mainly just coming up with a jumbled mix of profanities based on just how much of an arrogant, a**hole, jerk (with a few F-words in-between) he was. The door finally opened behind me, and that weird high feeling swept over me again, telling me it was Klaus though I refused to look at him as he sat down beside me. He was smart enough not to touch me, - I wonder if he could see the amount of anger and hatred I was feeling right now... radiating around my body in a cloud of red smoke.

"Sky" he began, but I didn't even look to acknowledge his presence although my body was on hyper alert to the fact that he in all his hotness and glory was only a hands reach away. I showed no signs that his presence had any effect on me whatsoever as he carried on. "Sky, I'm sorry" he whispered, really?! He beats Wesley half-to-death, He ignores me, sleeps with someone else and carries on with his life without giving me a second glance? He expects me to fall at his feet because he says he's sorry!? I don't think so! Other girls may throw themselves at him and put up with all of his bull, but I was definitely not one of them.

"What do you want Klaus?" I snarled, harshly.

"We need to talk." Oh! Did you hear that Sky? He is actually going to schedule you into his busy life! Halleluiah!

"No sh*t!" I growled, getting up. I knew we were going to have to talk. I took faith in the fact that this day would come. He couldn't ignore me forever!

I walked towards the confines of the trees, not knowing, or caring, particularly where we were going to end up. I just needed to be away from the house, far enough away, so that the pack could not hear our 'talk.' Then even further away so that they wouldn't be able to listen to my thoughts. Something told me this was going to turn into one hell of a heated conversation and I couldn't promise myself that I would be able to keep my guard up.

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