23 - 'Shield Me'

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  • Dedicated to Grandad, Happy Birthday!

Copyright © 2011 Lauren Tricksey

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Chapter Twenty Three 

'Shield Me'

Chapter 23

Klaus's POV

Skylar was a few steps behind me as we ran back home; well, raced home, but any race was pretty uneven when you were up against me. Although to my surprise, Sky was keeping up with me pretty well I'll give her that; she was fast.

The forest was becoming less dense as we neared my parent's house. In my head I was surprised; I could only hear a couple of my packs thoughts. Strange, I thought to myself but then dismissed it, realizing the cause was most likely that they were at the hospital. I sighed to myself as my mind drifted back to Nick and what I'd done and what I'd have to say to the pack to explain why I nearly killed my own best friend.

A few moments later I noticed something; a change in wind allowed a gust of sent to hit my nose. I immediately slowed as I stared into the trees in front of us, as a large brown wolf emerged just as Skylar overtook me, apparently not noticing the intruder to the right.

On instincts my jaw wrapped around her neck bringing her to a stop at my feet, I heard her whimper, and I immediately cursed myself; knowing I caused her pain. My whole being focused on the wolf in front of us who was now staring intently at Sky. A growl ripped through my chest, causing his eyes to snap up to me. He began to back away a few steps, and I got ready to lunge at him, but in less than a second he was scampering away through the forest as fast as his four legs would allow. I was about to run after him when I heard Sky get up and stood by my side. Her blue eyes pierced into mine and I didn't want to leave her, nor did I want her to follow me, but I knew it was my duty to protect my pack – to protect her. I tried to stare at her meaningfully, I wanted to tell her to go straight home, but of course, I couldn't communicate with her. She just shook her head and ran ahead of me in the direction of where the wolf went. I growled as I ran after her, I didn't want her to follow him. He was headed for the border, and the border was dangerous for her. Whoever this wolf was could easily take her over if I wasn't careful and then I would be the one trespassing when I went after her. I just couldn't take that chance. Luckily I didn't need to use force to stop her because then I heard the pack.

**We're on his trail** I relaxed as I heard Ethan's thoughts. **Take her home** with that my own thoughts went angry, I should be the one protecting the pack, not Ethan.

**Man, she's yours, she's your main priority** Ethan retorted, and through his thoughts, I realized he had the brown wolf in his sights. wait he knew about Sky and me?

I growled to myself, he was right I mean no he wasn't! Damn this was confusing! All my life I've grown up to put the pack's safety in front of everything, but I didn't have a mate then. What was my first priority now? The pack who I was to protect with my life or the girl who quite possibly is my life?

I growled to myself as Sky stopped to look at me in confusion. I just shook my head at her and then walked off in the other direction, showing her that I wanted her to follow and as I heard her paw drops against the forest floor I knew that she was.

We arrived back at my parent's house in less than five minutes. We would have been quicker if it wasn't for the fact I was too confused to run. It wasn't until we got to the front steps that I realized Sky wasn't behind me. Panic flashed through me as my eyes roamed desperately around the forest, only to stop dead in their tracks as my breath caught in my throat when my eyes landed on the most beautiful sight. Look away, look away, look away.... damn it! You've seen anyway. A few more seconds isn't going to hurt. So with that thought, my eyes continued to scan across the beautiful plains of her naked skin. Her back was to me so she couldn't see me practically drawling over her. She was the most beautiful being on earth, she looked just like an angel... my angel. I found myself smiling adoringly at her, and then snapped out of it when I realized she had now put on her top and was now turned to face me; her eyes piercing into mine. Busted. Her eyes were giving me a very prominent 'I'm-going-to-kill-you' look, and with that, I shifted back into my human form and dashed into the house.

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