04 - 'Mr Smooth'

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  • Dedicated to my nan, who proof read my work, untill i remembered the bad words haha

                                                      Copyright © 2011 Lauren Tricksey


                                                                      Chapter Four

                                                                       'Mr Smooth'

Sky's POV

June invited me to sit with her at lunchtime, so we walked together to the cafeteria.

"So are you going to introduce me to your friends?," I asked her as we were standing in the queue.

"Er, um they're normally in the library..." she trailed off looking at her shoes.

"That's Junes way of saying she doesn't have any", the girl in front of us turned around and laughed.

"Shut up Gianna" June glared at her as she smirked.

"What a bitch" I frowned at her before looking at June.

"What did you just call me?!" Gianna turned around again along with another four girls who all looked like clones of Gianna. All of them had bleached blonde hair and all skinny as a stick.

"Oh I called you a bitch, but I guess your deaf now too" I shrugged and smirked at her.

"You know, I like you. Your names Skylar right?" I just called her a bitch, and now she wants to be my friend? yeh right!

"No. Its not interested, and you're holding up the queue," I retorted back, and then I just took hold of June's hand, and pulled her around the gaping girls. Pathetic!


"Wow, you know you probably shouldn't have done that; they're like the most popular girls in school" June whispered once we were seated at a free table.

"Probably" I agreed, and then shrugged.

"Sky!" I turned to see Wesley, walking towards me with a smile on his face,

"What's up Wes?" I smiled back at him

"You wanna come meet my guys?" he asked, and then looked at June, "bring June along"

"You know Wesley?" I asked her.

"Not really," she admitted looking slightly blushed, did someone have a crush?

"Come on, we used to sit next to each over in 5th grade," Wesley prompted playfully, while June giggled slightly.

"You wanna go sit with Mr smooth here?" I joked,

"I don't mind" she shrugged.

"Ok were coming" I smiled and was about to pick up my tray, but realized it wasn't on the table anymore. Instead, it was in Wesley's hands, as he started leading the way across the cafeteria.

"Wes!" I wined as June laughed.

He led us up to a table where three guys were seated, all of them looking at me, Accept for one. Who was looking behind me.

"What's up Sky?"

"Hey, Chase" I smiled, and then sat beside him, while June slipped in beside Wesley.

"Guys this is Skylar, Skyler this is the guys" Wesley, gestured between us; "and this is June", he smiled down at June, causing her to blush again.

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