03 - 'June and bad chat up lines'

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  • Dedicated to to my dog soda who's 7 today!!

                                                Copyright © 2011 Lauren Tricksey


                                                            Chapter Three

                                                'June and bad chat up lines'

 Skylar's POV

I didn't speak to Wesley again during the lesson. I can't believe I had just been told off on my first day! I was never bad, I was never told off in my school in England, I was the understated quiet girl who sat at the back and just got on with it. I was never the one to be told off for messing around – especially on my first day!

As soon as the bell rang, I collected up my stuff and just kind of stood there for a second unsure as to whether Wesley was going to show me to my next class – or whether he'd just said that to get Mr. Bailey off his back.

"Where's your next class?" He smiled at me, and I noticed chase was now standing behind him- staring at me again.

"Science, with um... Mrs. Ramsey" I read off of the small piece of paper with my schedule written on it.

"Okay, it's on the way to the gym so I'll take you." He said as he absentmindedly took hold of my hand and led me down the corridor.

"Um, Wes?" I asked trying to ignore all the stares and glares I was getting.

"What?" He asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Um hand, let go." I pointedly looked down at our intertwined hands.

"Oh sorry" He laughed slightly as he let go. I just shook my head in mild amusement but otherwise, let it slide.

We'd only been walking for a minute before a guy stood in front of me, ultimately blocking my path. He completely ignored Wesley as he addressed me.

"Hey beautiful"

"Um hey" I mumbled as I looked into his emerald green eyes, which looked kind of animal-like against his tanned skin, and messy brown hair.

"I'm Levi" he grinned wickedly.

"I'm trying to get to class" I retorted

"I'm naked under these clothes." He smirked suggestively. I could tell that girls rarely said no to him. Guy's don't get that confident for no reason.

"Prove it," I said seductively, did I mention that I hate these types of guys? "...To someone else who actually cares." I grinned taking hold of Wesley's hand and walked off, leaving an opened mouthed Levi starring after us. Yes someone was definitely not used to being REJECTED!

Wesley walked me right up to the door of my science room, earning me many disgusted glares for the girls watching from inside the classroom. Great, I doubt I was going to make many girlfriends seeing as they seemed to hate me already!

"I'll see you later." He smiled and then did something that shocked me, he bent down slightly and kissed my cheek before turning away and walking back the way we'd come.

Ok, that was weird.

I walked in the class trying hopelessly to ignore the stares - yet again as I looked for a free seat. I can't be that interesting surely to goodness! I mean this school really knows how to make a girl feel welcome! Not.

I spotted an empty seat at the back of the class next to a girl with curly brown hair and warm chestnut colored eyes. She was rather pretty in an unconventional way, someone which I doubted Nick and Levi, and possibly Chase would go for, for a quickie. But definitely someone a guy would take home to impress the parents.

She actually smiled at me as I took the seat beside her.

"Hey" she whispered shyly.

"Hey" I smiled back at her. "Um my names Sky, I'm new here."

"I know." She shrugged

"Oh" I pursed my lips, ok what now?

"No, sorry I didn't mean It like that, I meant I know because like the whole school is talking about you." She blurted out.

"Oh, great" I muttered, "Could you tell me when that's going to stop?" I asked and she giggled.

"Don't you like being the center of attention?" She asked surprised.

"NO" I stared at her with wide eyes "of course not it's horrible"

"Oh, I just thought..." She shook her head slightly and then blushed embarrassment.

"What?" I prompted

"Just you look..."

"What you think because of my appearance, I love boy's perverted comments every few seconds?" I asked incredulously.

"Um, kinda?" She mumbled and I shook my head

"Well I'm not like that" I grimaced.

"Sorry that was really bitchy, um I'm June and do you think we could possibly forget the last minute and start again?" She asked smiling guiltily.

"Yeah sure" I shrugged, as mad as it might seem I was used to girls acting this way, most of them didn't say sorry and try to make amends though like June did.

"Good." She smiled. "So where in England are you from?" She asked and actually sounded as If she was interested in my answer.

"Um a place called Kent, do you know it?" I asked and she shook her head slightly.

"No, but my Aunt and cousins live in Liverpool do you know of it?"

"Yeah, I know of it" I reassured her, Liverpool was one of England's main cities.

"So have you been there before?"

"No" She admitted shyly.

"Well, this is my first time here." I shrugged.

"Really? Why are you here then?"

"Um, my Gran lives here"

"Why are you living with your Gran?" She frowned and I glanced at her and then sighed.

"My parents died a few months ago" I mumbled

"Oh, I'm so sorry." she gasped. "Oh, now I feel so much worse." She muttered.

"Don't worry about it," I reassured her.

"Would you like to hang out sometime? I could show you some cool places in town if you want?" She asked playing with her hair.

"Sounds great sure."

"We could go after school tomorrow if you want?"

"Cool," I smiled. I think I have just made my first girlfriend! 

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