5.2 - 'Head over heels and falling... On ice?'

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  • Dedicated to My mum, who's (hopefully) gonna buy me my prom dress today!!!

                                                    Copyright © 2011 Lauren Tricksey

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                                                         Chapter Five (Part Two) 

                                                  'Head over heels and falling... on ice?'

Skylar's POV

Gym wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. One because contradictorily to what Gianna previously warned, I was indeed not 'dead' (well yet anyway.) and two, because June and I were late, Mr. Lee's made us do laps around the field for the rest of the lesson. Which for two werewolves was as easy as taking a walk in the park.

"So when did you find out Brody's your mate?" I asked

"Um well kinda today" she shrugged

"WHAT!" I grinned, completely shocked "I mean why? You've been at this school for ages, you're in the same year as him and everything, why haven't you ever noticed him before?" I gapped.

"Well I have, I mean from afar across the cafeteria..." she mumbled.

"What? So you never were attracted to him? I thought when you first see your mate, its supposed to be one of those big love at first sight moments" I mused, remembering when my mother had told me about mates and how the whole thing worked.

"Well I was attracted to him, I've like had this massive crush on him since 5th grade, that's why I didn't think anything of it because I just thought it was a crush which had developed over time." she shrugged,

"So you never went and talked to him?" I asked amazed.

"Well... no" she mumbled blushing slightly.

"Why?" I raised my eyebrows at her

"Well look at him and the rest of the wolf boys, their all total players, I thought that if I talked to him, he would just brush me off, I mean I'm not as pretty Gianna..." she trailed off, she was just too cute!

"Of course you are, your much better than her! Gianna's a whore, just because you don't look like a fake Barbie doll, doesn't mean you're not as pretty as her" I laughed.

"Yeh, well she wasn't a total bitch like she is now" she shrugged, but something told me she wanted to say more

"Now?" I asked, finding it hard to believe in any world that the specimen now doing Scorpion on top of her clones. (typical she was a flyer and probably head cheerleader) was ever not a whore.

"Well I know its probably hard to believe, but she actually was nice before, she was dating Wesley for like the whole of Freshman year, they were like the perfect high school sweethearts..."

"WHAT!" I gasped shocked "Her and WES!" I shrieked, but not in a horrified way, more in an incredibly amused and slightly surprising way. "What happened?" I wondered out loud.

"Well it was the end of year party and, well cutting a long story short, Wesley walked in on her losing her virginity to Klaus"

"Oh. My. God! Is that why Wes hate's his brother so much!" I gasped putting the two things together.

"It's part of it" she shrugged.

"Part of it?" I asked again

"Well that's a different story altogether, and one I think Wesley should tell you himself."

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