38 - 'So The Lion Fell.... 'Shut up'

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Chapter – 38

Klaus's POV

His eyes went wide with fear as mine went wide with revenge. – That was until I heard Ethan's voice in my head.

***I can hear her man, she's alright, but she's pretty far into the forest out back.*** Immediately I knew he was talking about my angel and my heart stopped.

***Is she alright?***

***Go find her, leave Wesley to deal with that scum. She needs you right now*** He told me, and I straightened up, much to Wesley's confusion.

"What are you doing?" He asked me and a smile I couldn't hold in, spread naturally across my face in relief.

"I... Sky, I gotta go..." I couldn't seem to get the words out as I made my way to the door of the dungeons. Until I stopped hastily turning around and stalking back to the helpless man on the floor, and picked up the cards and handed them to Wesley.

"Finish him" I growled- hesitated- and then decided against my better –mature judgment - and kicked him hard in the ribs.

"That's for taking her away from me" I growled and then hit him again, - hard in the same place. "And that was for hurting her." I snarled and then turned away and jumped up the ladder until I was out of the cellar looking at a confused Wesley.

"You do it," I told him knowing he knew the more significant meaning of my words.

"You know what that would mean right?" He frowned looking panicked, and I nodded.

"I know you can do it." I encouraged.

"But! That's not what I meant!" He argued, and I only chuckled.

"I know what you meant, but the answer remains the same." I grinned and began to run into the surrounding forest.


I'd shifted and had been running for only a few minutes following her sent when I finally caught her thought waves.

She was talking to a girl I assumed was Evie. I smiled slightly and put up my thought shield as I came closer. I knew she was safe.... And I kind of wanted to surprise her.

When her scent abruptly stopped, I growled in annoyance. – Until I looked across the river to see a small little hut in the trees. An almighty smile spread across my lips as I swam across the river as silently as possible.

She was talking to a male now, which immediately sent my wolf in a frenzy of unease. So I decided that once I emerged out of the river on the other side, I shifted back into my human. – Just to be safe. I don't want to kill this guy for talking to her... though for some unknown reason the thought of some dude even talking to her made my wolf growl possessively. – If she thought I was possessive before this whole thing happened. She's got a whole other thing coming now. I never wanted to let her out of my sight ever again. The last few hours were the darkest of my life, I could never lose her. She was mine, and for now, until the day I take my last breath, she will be the most important woman in my life.

I waited until I was hidden behind a tree opposite the tree house before I opened up my thoughts to her.

***Angel... Turn around.***I Stepped out from behind the tree, and watched as she turned around. Her bright blue eyes were wide with a mixture of shock and confusion, and as our eyes met a huge smile spread across her face.

I began to walk towards her, but she seemed to forget she was in a tree house, as she frantically crawled to the little doorway only to crouch down at the top of the small ladder. My heart melted as my eyes did an automatic scan of her body to look for the injury- The cause for the blood on the floor of the dungeon was no-where to be seen. Maybe I jumped to conclusions- maybe it wasn't her blood after all. I let out a sigh of relief as I began to jog towards her, taking her all in as If my eyes had missed just staring at how beautiful she was. Her hair – messy and un-brushed, still fanned across her face, as the breeze gently brought strands along her forehead. Her eyes, still the same bright blue, were beaming down at me; emotions darting across them as a smile broke out on her perfectly shaped lips.

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