16 - 'Moving in- if only for a while'

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Copyright © 2011 Lauren Tricksey

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Chapter Sixteen

Sky's POV

    "Are you expecting to move in?!" Klaus asked amused as he took the last bag from my hands and carried it effortlessly into the truck even though it weighed a ton.

"I'm a girl Klaus! We have needs."

"A need to bring your whole house?" He laughed slightly as he opened the passenger door to his car for me to get in. What's this? Klaus acting like a gentleman? Is he sick?

"Are you going to get in?" He asked pointedly, and I realized I was just standing there. Blood flooded my cheeks as I shook my head and quickly jumped in without meeting his gaze.


"So, have you told anyone?" I blurted out my thoughts, and then immediately blushed again as he looked over to me confused, before he turned his eyes back to the road.

"You mean about me being your mate? No, I haven't" he frowned, staring distantly out of the windscreen as if he was thinking hard about something.

"Oh" was all that came out of my mouth. I mean think about it; I already knew he couldn't have told anyone because if he had, then I was sure I would know about it - seeing as he's an alpha and all, everyone would be talking about it- talking about me.

"No one can know about us. Do you hear me?" His voice came out hard, and I internally cringed away from the anger in his voice.

"W... why?" I stuttered, shocked by his words. He really was ashamed to have me as a mate... in that second my throat tightened, and I willed away the tears that threatened to escape. How can someone be just so much of a f*cking asshole?!

"Because I said so, that's why." He seethed through gritted teeth. He was angry?! I was the one that was angry, no - I wasn't just angry I was livid!

"Well, I'm so sorry you got such an embarrassment for a mate. I'm sorry you can't bear for anyone to know that I'm yours! I'm sorry if I'm not as pretty as you want, or that I'm not as slutty as your other girls! I'm sorry that you ended up with me instead of Vicky!" I screamed, tears streaming down my face as I glared at him.

"What! No!" Klaus stared at me, shocked as he slammed on the brakes causing me to slam forward and then back in my seat; I swear if he's given me whiplash... "What are you talking about?" He frowned looking at my tear-drenched face, his features softening considerably. "I'm not embarrassed to have you as a mate." He muttered as his hand went to wipe the tears, but I tilted my head away, causing his hand to drop.

"Then, why?!" I asked exasperatedly.

"Because..." He paused searching my eyes before carrying on "because if people know about you... about us. Then I'll have no choice but to..." he stopped again, closing his eyes as he took a deep breath and looked away. "I...I'll have no choice but to make you mine." He finished, and I gasped.

"What, why?"

"If everyone finds out, I'll have no choice. As an alpha, I can't have my mate 'haywire'" he chuckled slightly, giving me a sideways glance as he started the car again. "If an alpha can't even control his mate, then it doesn't look good when he's supposed to control a whole pack." He smirked at me.

"I am not 'haywire' thank you very much!" I tried to glare at him, but right now I was so happy that my suspicions had been wrong- I couldn't think up the anger needed to pull off the look. Instead, I just shook my head letting a slight smile cross my face.

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