37 - 'Welcome to my Hell Game - Pick a Card'

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New chapter hehe... btw i decided to add the song i was listening to when i wrote this chapter haha, so yeah... listen to it if you want. its dead by my chemical romance :P

Chapter 37

Klaus's POV

It didn't seem to matter how many times I had tried to call Evie's cell. No one was picking up.

"We're nearly there" Ethan muttered quietly. I looked over to the dashboard clock. We'd made it in twenty minutes instead of half an hour, but I doubted it would be enough. I opened my mind up again, but there was still nothing. I couldn't hear thoughts at all, but at the same time, I knew she was still alive. My body – although freaking out, still felt intact. I knew that as soon as I... As soon as I lost her, I would know about it. I shook my head, refusing to think negatively. Instead, I took this as a good sign, at least she was still alive. I ordered Ethan to pull over. We were now on a small residential road, all the houses were clumped together and much smaller than what I was used to in Dakota; one house here was about a quarter of the size of my house back home.

***You all know the plan. I want you to go in there and restrain – but not kill any members of the pack. I have no doubt that they will attack, but it won't be their choice. You have to remember that. They will be ordered to attack and kill us. Our pack is stronger though, never forget that.*** We were now walking towards the dirt road, which I could smell lead to their pack house.

Beside me, I noticed a couple of my younger members which had joined the mission. They were sophomores, they couldn't be older than sixteen, they held a glimmer of both excitement and fear in their eyes. I sighed slightly, not wanting to embarrass them but I also didn't want any of my pack getting injured in this, and after all, they are our weak spots. I looked over at Ethan but only saw the way he held Quinn's hand protectively at his side. I frowned knowing that he will have enough on his plate, making sure that Quinn didn't get harmed. I then looked over at Wesley. His face was filled with panic. – There was no doubt in my mind that he and I will be going in after our girls. So I sighed again and opened my thoughts up to my main two fighters.

***The two boys*** I looked pointedly at my two weaklings. *** Although I want them fighting to gain experience, I don't want them harmed. Watch over them will you.*** I told them determined, and they nodded in agreement.

***Klaus, you're still injured remember. Do you want me and Quinn to come with you to get James?*** My eyes landed on Ethan as we all shifted once we'd reached the dirt track.

*** I might be injured but I sure as hell can kill him on my own*** I growled, but he just rolled his eyes.

***Just a consideration*** Ethan sighed.

***No I want you to lead our fighters.*** I could just about see forty or so wolves stood in front of a large medieval type castle- nothing like the small residential houses on the road we'd parked our cars at.

I looked pointedly at the wolves who stood in a protective stance in front of the castle and growled.

***Fighters on command, I want you to secure the front*** I ordered my main fighters. I frowned though as we edged closer. I'd planned my numbers perfectly. According to my investigators, this pack had a total number of sixty- two members. – Including woman and children. So I'd made sure I'd brought forty male fighters, for it to be an easy win. We'd estimated that this pack would have about thirty fighting members, but as I mentally counted their numbers there was way more than expected and in the group – to my disgust- were woman. Not that I don't think a woman can fight. It was just that putting woman in danger in a fight situation, was beyond forgivable to me. Who did this Alpha think he was?! I looked at my wolves and saw looks nervousness on their faces. I knew why.- All wolves in my pack have grown up with a very precise and ordered rule.- 'Never lay hands on a female with the intent to cause harm.'

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