07 - 'Somewhere in Vegas in bed with a blonde'

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  • Dedicated to to my friends baby son who was born about an hour ago, god bless you baby boy!

                     Copyright © 2011 Lauren Tricksey

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                                  Chapter Seven

             'Somewhere in Vegas in bed with a blonde'

Klaus's POV

To say I was in a shitty mood would be an understatement. I shouldn't be, I should be the happiest man alive. When you look at my life on paper, it was perfect. I had the power, the money, the doting parents, the prodigal son status, the girls, the looks, the brains and the most powerful fucking pack in the US! But there was one little thing, which was missing off of this list. A mate. No, I still hadn't found my mate, which okay doesn't sound like such a big deal when I could have any girl I wanted, but I don't know... I wanted to find her, I was bored with my player ways. Sleeping with babe after babe who just wants you for your looks and the boost to their reputation- to say they've slept with the alpha. It doesn't have the same turn on as it used to. Don't get me wrong, I'm not that depressed to say no. Hence the fact I was now somewhere in Vegas in bed with... er well she's got blonde hair, I couldn't tell you her eye color seeing as her eyes are closed, but what I can tell you is she's got a great body. That's about it... Oh and the fact that she was pretty damn good in the bed department... Let's just call her Blondie, seeing as I couldn't for the life of me remember her name.

URG! fuck my life!

"Hey, baby." She cooed, do I fucking look like a baby to her! ok, I really have to sort my life out.


"Are you okay?" She mumbled, pressing herself into my side.

"Perfect," I muttered, getting my naked ass out of bed ready to head for the shower. "Shut the door on the way out" I called over my shoulder.

"WHAT! You just fucking took my virginity and now you're saying 'Shut the door on the way out!" She screamed. Women, you f*ck em once and they think they own you. Wait. Hold up, did she just say the v-word? Oops.

"Er, sorry" I muttered, this was why I stayed away from V-card holders, they get so emotionally attached.

"Kidding!" she smiled, settling back into the bed, thank f*ck.

"Ok now that's all cleared up, you need to get out of my bed and go home."

"F*CK ME CLAUDE!" I heard her shout through the closed bathroom door, as she had her little hissy fit. She'll get over it. I rolled my eyes.

"It's KLAUS! And I think your find I already did!" I called back before turning on the shower to try and drown out her annoying voice...Strange how that wasn't a put off last night... Oh, what the hell... I was drunk, I probably wasn't even listing to her... Too busy staring at her chest...


Half an hour, I was back on the road after checking out of whatever hotel I had stayed in for the night. Ready to drive home with nothing on my mind apart from the fact, that this trip had been a complete and utter waste of my time. I thought that maybe If I went looking for long enough I would find her. I mean for fuck's sake I've traveled around the whole of the US looking for her, and still, she's nowhere! I mean surely it shouldn't be this hard for people to find their mate!

Aw, I give up, I guess I'll just have to be the eternal stud for the rest of my long fucking life!

I was just about crossing the Wyoming/ Dakota border when my phone went off. I didn't even have to pick it up to know who it was.

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