12 - 'Greetings little brother'

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                                                          - Copyright © 2011 Lauren Tricksey  

                                                                          Chapter twelve

                                                                           - Sky's POV -

 "When's Brody gonna get here? I'm so bored. No offense, man, but your house is boring when we're just sitting here doing nothing..." Chase whined. I hate to admit it, but Chase wasn't the only one who was bored; I was too.

It was Thursday evening, and we had just arrived back from going wolf - well everyone apart from Brody and June. June the guys, and I had been practically living at Wesley's house - well, Wesley's parent's house. It was almost acting like a base for the six of us. Of course, I had told Gran I was staying with June, having girly slumber parties at hers. The truth was June and Brody was inseparable. Leaving me very little time to hang out with her at all. Apparently, it was impossible for her to be away from him. News flash, hun! I stay away from mine all the time!

"Alright, come on!" I decided, getting up and walking to the kitchen, "Movie time! I'll get the popcorn." I called over my shoulder.

"We don't have any," Wes called to me. Damn, movie time was entirely not the same without popcorn.

"Fine," I pouted, "but I'm going to pick the movie!" I grinned, walking to the DVD stand in the corner of the room. It was funny, that even though I had only known Wes for just over a week, I already knew where everything important was in his house.

"NO!" Chase and Quinn groaned in unison, they knew me too well.

All four of us were curled up on the two sofas. No one had spoken a word since the film started. I was seated in the middle leaning against Wes with my Legs draped over Quinn's lap as the two of them snored loudly. These guys wouldn't know a good film if it hit them on the nose.

'How did you get in here?'

'The window.'

"Fuck this is such a load of shit!" Chase groaned.

"CHASE!" I screamed, "How dare you interrupt my twilight time!"

'Do you do that a lot?' Bella carried on, and I tried desperately hard to get back into my previous twilightized zone.

'Um, just the past couple months... I like watching you sleep its um its kind of fascinating to...'


"URG! CHASE NOOO!" I bellowed as I stared back at a now matte black TV screen. How dare he turn it off just before the first kiss!

"I will so get you for this!" I glared jumping up from the sofa and pouncing on him- who by the way, was finding the whole situation hilarious.

"Easy there, tiger. You shouldn't want to watch that sparkly bloodsucker anyway." He laughed, as he securely placed his strong hands on my upper arms stopping me from hitting him. "Why don't you just skip to the bit where the werewolves come in?" he continued his verbal attack towards my on-screen heartthrob.

"Because I'm team EDWARD DUH!"

"What! You're telling me you're a werewolf and you're siding with the vamp?!" he laughed.

"That's exactly what I'm saying!" I growled, but his laugh was contagious; when I heard the now awake Wes and Quinn burst out in a fit of laughter, I couldn't stop from laughing myself. Whether it was the high from laughing so much with the guys, or not, I was suddenly feeling really good. The kind of good feeling you get in the morning when you open your eyes to see the sun shining and the sky a crystal blue color.

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