14 - 'The Lakeland Estate'

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 Chapter 14

Klaus's POV

"Dude! Come on get up!" You know when things get bad, when you sleep on your best friends floor, face molded into the carpet, with half a dozen empty beer cans scattered across an arms radius around your head, the morning after the night before and getting woken up by your guy friend on a weekday.

"No" I groaned, not bothering to raise my head, knowing that as soon as I did a banging headache would hammer my brain to smithereens.

"Come on Dude! You've been wasted for three days straight, and we got the game tomorrow, the coach won't put you in the team if you don't bother to turn up for play training."

"My head!" I growled, "Urg! I think I'm going to..." I just about got to the toilet in time before I spewed my guts out down the pan.

"Man, you got it bad" I could hear Nick laughing at me.

"I've got nothing bad, I've just been in the mood to get hammered."

"You've been at it for three days, you didn't turn up to practice Friday and coach was pretty pissed" he was right, I had stayed entirely off my head since Thursday night.

"Urg, Nick pass me another beer" I moaned, - the only way to get rid of this god-awful hangover is to just get pissed again... sounds like a plan, because all too soon reality of just how f*cked up my life was will catch up with me, and I wasn't ready to face that yet.

"Na, not today, you're coming to school even if I have to get the whole pack to drag you there" he grinned,

"NO!" I growled, but I felt like crap, so my voice sounded week even to myself.

"Do I have to call big daddy wolf?" he smirked.

"Urg I'm coming!" If there was one person in the world who I was scared of, it was my father. He was like my own personal alpha, to keep me in check and boss me about. With that thought, I pulled myself off the floor and dragged myself back into my bedroom, "but I'm going to need a bucket full of paracetamol" I growled.

"Fine, but we're leaving in 10" he called over his shoulder as he left my room.

Right now the three of us were living in one of my dads 'real estates' just on the outskirts of town, our own 'bachelor pad' as we called it, and a top location for the best house party in town to everyone else.

"So the almighty Klaus returns!" Ethan laughed, as he poured some more pancake mix onto a frying pan. Something not many people knew was that Ethan actually loved to cook, which was great for Nick and me because we never had to cook - not that I knew how to anyway. "You want some pancakes?"

"Naa man, I think I'll probably just bring it back up again" I moaned, my head still banging, as I sunk down onto one of the kitchen stools.

"So did you hear any more about the rouge?" Nick yawned as he took a seat beside me.

"No" I frowned, I had forgotten about the wolf who was smelt around the area last week,

"Maybe he was just wandering" he shrugged

"Maybe" I agreed

"All I can say is that I'm surprised none of us noticed him" Ethan shrugged, planting a couple more pancakes on Nick's plate.

"That's all you man, I left you in charge" I grinned hitting Nick, under any other circumstances I would have been more serious when discussing a breach in pack security, but my head had a much more critical subject on its mind...

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