25 - 'Evie'

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Copyright © 2011 Lauren Tricksey

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Chapter Twenty Five


Wesley's POV

  I wasn't thinking of anything apart from one thing. Klaus was Sky's mate. When I said that sentence out right in my head, I felt sick. How could the world be so mean, to put someone as wonderful as her with a b*stard like him?

Damn it! It was so f*cking obvious now. I can't believe I didn't realize it before, she even told me, and I laughed at her and took it as a joke. That was a better way of dealing with the possibility that it could be true.

Urg what an idiot Wes! I mean, I don't think I would be so annoyed about it if I found out her mate was someone else, It's just him. I care for Sky too much to accept the possibility they're mates. I know what he's like- more than most. He's my twin for god sake! So I know enough about him to realize he could never be the mate she needs... The mate she deserves. I'm angry because I know she deserves so much better than him. Yeah, I know that when you find your mate, you're supposed to change for her, to be whoever she needs you to be because she's your life and you're supposed to revolve your life around the one you love. But Klaus.... Klaus is too far gone for that, I can't see him changing that much, and I'm right- he still beats me up. Hell, he does it in front of her! Yeah, I admit it, I shouldn't have egged him on, but I wanted to prove that I was right about him- That he hasn't changed for her. He's still the aggressive asshole he's always been, and finding her hasn't changed that and never will!

I don't think I've ever been so angry in all my life. I wanted to go back there and beat the living sh*t out of him- well try to. I know he's the better fighter and would beat me easily. It would be more like a suicide mission than anything else, but I needed to get my anger out at something. It was like there was a ball of fire locked up within me and even in my wolf form, I couldn't get rid of it, however fast I ran it was still there. This leads me to think I need to beat someone up, anyone. Human, Werewolf, Animal I don't care. The next living creature I come across is a gonna die... NO, I was growling at myself now. I could feel my wolf overtaking me completely, turning me into this monster that I couldn't control; a beast who would quite easily attack a human, and I hated it. I hated myself for thinking like this, but there was nothing I could do. The angrier I got with myself, the larger the ball of flames became, adding more fuel to the fire.

I didn't know how long I had been running, or where I was going, but I didn't care. So I wasn't sure If I was expecting what I saw a while later or not. In my current state of mind I wasn't expecting it at all, but in my human form I should have known that I was out of territory; I was trespassing on another land. But apparently, the consequences of this hadn't hit me until I came to a stop in the presence of a line of wolves.




Ah fine, be that way. Stupid body! But if your thinking I'm helping you fight, you have another thing coming. I said to my wolf who wasn't running, but was now standing his ground to fight, due to his self-pride caused by the little bit of alpha gene which was passed down by my father... The gene that went mostly to, Klaus. Urg! The thought of him fueled up my dormant anger until it wasn't only my wolf that wanted a good fight, my human was agreeing with him.

Well, that idea was great... Until the reality of the situation set in, and I realized I had just agreed to fight an army of angry looking wolves... can we run now?... NO!... Goodbye world.

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