24 - 'What. A. Day.'

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  • Dedicated to Nanny <3

Copyright © 2011 Lauren Tricksey

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Chapter Twenty Four

'What. A. Day'

Chapter 24

 Everyone's eyes trailed in slow motion to the arm around my waist, their jaws all dropping in shock. I cringed at their piercing gazes, but I didn't break away from Klaus's hold; I didn't want to. I knew now was not the right time but then again, what's done is done. My eyes diverted back to Wesley who was now stood there shaking slightly, his eyes were slanted in a glare.

"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!" He bellowed, and I cringed into Klaus's chest.

"I...I did" I whispered feeling tears well up in my eyes, but I couldn't cry. I wouldn't. I haven't done anything wrong... So why do I feel like such a bitch?

"You did no such thing!" He screamed coming closer but then stopped again, seeming to hit... Oh yeah, air!

"I- I did you just didn't believe me!"

"I thought you were joking!" He bellowed.

"Well obviously dude she wasn't, and maybe the reason she didn't tell you was that she knew you would act like a total dick, and I guess she was right!" Klaus butted in, standing to my side so he could slightly pull me protectively behind him.


"Wesley" I whispered, I hated it when they fought and it seemed like the only one making them fight these days was me. Wesley didn't even look at me before he carried on.

"You can't just act like she's yours, she's in my pack!" I froze slightly as I felt Klaus stiffen. Wesley was right, I'm not in his pack, and now everyone knew.

"She's my mate! She is MINE!" He growled.

"She's not a possession!"

"SHE IS RIGHT HERE!" I screamed stepping in front of Klaus making his eyes fall from Wesley to me warningly. "Don't fight please!" I breathed stepping away from Klaus only to have his hand take hold of my wrist to stop me from going any further.

"I was about to tell you today," I whispered, remembering earlier this morning.

"When I was about to kiss you, you were going to tell me then?" He asked, his voice wasn't as loud anymore but loud enough for people to hear- loud enough for Klaus to hear.

"WHAT!" Klaus yelled, pulling me behind him and began to storm towards Wesley until he was right up in his face. Damn Klaus can certainly be intimidating. "I warned you not to touch her, I told you if you were to ever lay a finger on her, I'd kill you." He seethed his fist clenched, and I could see him start to shake in anger.

"KLAUS!" I cried, pulling him away from him. "He didn't touch me, I didn't let him." I tried reasoning with him, and to my relief, he stepped a few more steps away from him.

"Yeah run away to your little girlfriend!" Wesley seethed. "Oh yeah, you can't because you don't have a girlfriend. Your own mate doesn't even like you!"

Damn you, Wesley, are you trying to get yourself killed. I thought, watching hopelessly as Klaus; in a second balled up his fist and hit Wesley Square in the jaw. Wesley hit the floor like a tonne of bricks with an ear-splitting thud. A gasp came from behind me, and I realized it was Mrs. Iverson.

"LEAVE!" Klaus yelled in complete and utter anger, as Wesley righted himself on the floor rubbing his jaw.

"How about no? Are you going to beat me half to death like last time?" Wesley seethed, and Mrs. Iverson gasped again. "That's right mother your prodigal son here, beat me up until I was unconscious and then threw me through a window," Wes smirked up to Klaus.

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