10 - 'Vicky'

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Copyright © 2011 Lauren Tricksey

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Chapter Ten


Sky's POV

It was a Wednesday morning and having just been let out of the hospital, I was in what I'd call a depressed state. Even though I felt 100% better; the sun was shining, I was going to school to meet my friends and being in the hospital had got me up to date on homework. Despite this though, the one and only thing ruining my mood was the fact that I hadn't heard or seen Klaus in four days. Four whole frigging days! No phone call, no hospital visit, and no get-well-soon card. Not even a text message! Urg! Was he just going to ignore me now? - Yes, Sky that's why he hasn't spoken to you... my self-consciousness helpfully reminded me. AS IF I HAD FORGOTTEN!

'But why?' Was the question running through my head, why was he ignoring me? It wasn't as if he would have forgotten. I was his mate for goodness sake! URG! Fucking great mate he's turning out to be!

"Sky, are you okay?" June had decided to walk with me, seeing as they all - well with one major exception, were treating me like an invalid. They probably thought I would fall unconscious on the way to school or something.

"Er... sure." I muttered.

"Is there something wrong?"

"No nothing, I'm fine." I tried to reassure her but the truth was, I was not alright; I was practically dying to see Klaus again. The longer I didn't see him, the stronger the need for him got.

"You know you can talk to me about it if you want?" She continued. Did I, or did I not just say I was fine! Aw, I was in a bad mood and I knew it. It wasn't June's fault; she was only trying to help me. No need to explain to her that me being 'okay' was only going to happen if I was to talk to Klaus, though right now that seemed impossible. He didn't even want to see me.

"So... Um well Wes, kind of let it slip that he finally told you about his feelings." She mumbled.

"He did?" I sighed; it was inevitable that the pack would somehow find out about it. I just hoped I could be more successful than Wesley at keeping my guard up about Klaus. So far I had been good, no one knew about my little predicament.

"Is that what you're worried about?" She asked sweetly not wanting to push me into saying anything.

"No, it's not that," I reassured her with a slight grimace on my face. I wanted to be able to tell her about the Klaus situation, but I didn't want to give her the hassle of putting her guard up about it and I really, really couldn't risk Wesley finding out.

"Well when you want to talk about it, I'm all ears." She smiled as we arrived at the school car park.

There was a horrible sense of deja vu, as I stared back at all the staring faces. It's like my first day all over again, I thought. Though this time it was different, only about half the school was staring at me - all the wolves, which I realized where all part of Klaus's pack and so had either witnessed the confrontation between me, Nick, Klaus, and Wesley or heard about it. I felt myself cringing away from their disgusted stares. Er, couldn't I do anything right! I was about to turn around to all of them and tell them to mind their own effing business, before two things hit me at the same time; the first one - the insignificant one compared to the second, was the realization that if all of these people where staring at me in disgust; it meant that they probably didn't know about the fact that I was some time in the very long future going to be their alpha female. I say 'very long' because that brings me onto the second thing.

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