27 - 'An Unexpected Kiss'

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Copyright © 2011 Lauren Tricksey

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Chapter Twenty Seven

'An Unexpected Kiss'

 Evie's POV

I was here for James. I was doing it for the good of my pack. The plan was going perfectly fine until we realized one major flaw. James was an idiot, he did no research about this kidnapping whatsoever, but then I guess he didn't care. He wasn't the one in another country trying to kidnap the girl He wants. No, James would never put himself in danger. He was far too 'precious.' He was so far up his own a*s that it was beyond the point of return. He was the worse Alpha a pack could ever have. He was a self - centered jerk who on the inside was just some wimpy kid hiding behind his parents.

We arrived here precisely two weeks ago. The plan was to grab Skylar from where she was living with her grandmother.- Her next of kin, which James found out she was sent to live with. When I thought back to the day when he found out she'd gone, I cringed slightly. I'd never seen him so mad.

~Flash Back~

"I want the girl!" He bellowed, and the whole pack house went quiet, as we anticipated his raging temper attack. I wonder who would be put in hospital today? I thought to myself, as I slowly backed away from the kitchen where he was talking to our beta, - well more like yelling to our beta.

"Evelyn" I turned my attention to my father. He ushered me to his side, and I happily agreed and stood behind him. We all knew what James wanted, and as from yesterday, I knew that she was thousands of miles away. Somewhere safe, somewhere away from the beast who was intent on her death. He didn't know this yet though, and the people who did know were much too scared to tell him.

My breath caught in my mouth, as I heard our beta utter the two words which sent him in a fury.

"She's gone" he spoke, and the piercing growl from James was enough to make my father grab my mother and push us towards the nearest window, along with the other children and females. We were more than happy to comply, and I picked up one of the little kids in my arms before jumping. That was one of the good points about my pack, the male weres had the up-most respect for the females. They wouldn't let anyone of us get hurt... Too bad Sky is no longer in our pack.

~end of flashback~

A few days later James devised a plan to get her back – well I say plan, it was more like a statement. "Get her back!" Was his demand. He sent out his fighters, the leader being our beta. The others included my father, and he demanded that my Mother and myself was to come with him. In my father's words, ' he didn't trust James as far as he could throw him.' My mother and I knew that we would be safer with my father than to stay with James.

So we arrived at the only two females in our small pack. There was only about twenty of us overall, a number which James decided was an adequate amount. How wrong he was. I thought sourly to myself. He had no idea.

We planned to go straight up to her gran's house and grab her, but when our first 'spy' went to her house, she fooled us with 'I don't have a granddaughter.' He thought he'd just got the wrong address and went to the next house. When we finally found out that she'd been lying to us. She was long gone, up until this day we don't know where she's gone or when she's coming back. Though we did find Sky- that was my doing. My father had asked me to visit the local school. I knew then that we were in trouble. I watched from afar for a few days as an excuse to stay away of the place my pack had now made a refuge. Not only did I find out that the high school was full of werewolves. The alpha also attended. Klaus Iverson. Any wolf in the world knows who Klaus Iverson is, he runs America. Of course, he's not alpha to all of the wolves, but due to his strong pack, he could have all the acquaintances he wants. If he needs help, all he would need to do was ask a neighboring pack, and he would have them on his side.

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