31 - 'Morning Angel, Evening Hell'

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and read away...

Klaus's POV,

 I could stay like this forever. I would stay like this forever if it meant that I could keep her safe with me. I gently trailed my hand up and down her spine and then lent down slightly to press my lips to her forehead.

***Good morning angel*** I thought to her, not wanting to break the perfect silence with my voice. She lifted her head off my chest looking me in the eyes before a pink blush crossed her face and she dropped eye contact trying to move off of me, but my arm was still wrapped protectively around her, and there was no way I was letting go of her for one second. Not now, not when we only had a few hours left before the plan was to be put in place. The thought of today sent unwelcome stirs in my stomach. I had a bad feeling about it, but our plan was full proof. I had to trust it, the alternative was too hard to think about.

***Stop worrying*** I lost my thought process and looked down at her.

***I'm not worrying*** I tried to reassure her.

"You are, you're all tensed up" She whispered out loud, as she ran her soft hands across my abs. I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding and my body un-tensed at her touch.

"See" She smiled, and I looked down at her, but as soon as our eyes met she dropped her head to my chest once more, so I couldn't see her. I rolled my eyes, she was too innocent for her own good.

"Don't hide from me" I murmured to her, but she just shook her head.

- Flashback -

We had just gotten back onto the boat, after swimming for what seemed like ages.

"C..Co...Cold" Sky was shivering and jumping around in nothing but her small soaking wet bra and panties, - complete Bonner material right there."Go get me a towel, you p... perv!" She laughed causing me to snap out of it and run inside. Her jumping off the side of the boat and scaring me half to death stopped me from getting towels before.

Once I was in the shower room an ingenious plan formed in my horny head to get her to shower with me to get warm... Ah, crap. Get a grip man. This is Sky! not some one night stand. I shook my head annoyed at myself, as I grabbed the towels and ran back up the stairs to where she was still standing there shivering.

"Here" I wrapped it around her and then pulled her into my chest without bothering to wrap one around myself.

"Better?" I asked her

"Very" I heard her mumble against me. "But now I'm hungry" I chuckled and rubbed her back not wanting to let go of her, but tonight her wish is my command.

"Go up to the upper deck while I make you a romantic dinner of... er, well I can only really cook..." I trailed off trying to think of what I could cook. I apparently hadn't figured this out very well. I should have brought Ethan along...

"What? You want to bring Ethan on our first date?!" Sky laughed listening into the thoughts I'd failed to block from her.

I laughed and shook my head. "No, its just Ethan's the one who cooks at home" I muttered sheepishly. "And I cant" I looked at her for a moment, my lips twitching up in the corners slightly. "This is where you say 'Don't worry about it Klaus, I'll make you something" I hinted with a laugh.

"And this is where I actually say, 'sorry babe but I can't cook either" She laughed and wrapped her hands around my neck.

"You really cant?" I was amazed. "And here I had you down as the perfect housewife" I joked, wrapping my arms around her waist.

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