15 - 'Gotcha'

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Chapter 15 

Sky's POV

It was lunchtime, and like any other, I was sitting on our roundtable on the east side of the canteen, listening to Wesley, Chase and Quinn's plans for the 'big game' tomorrow. Which basically translated means I was sat here, aimlessly staring around the canteen trying to contain my boredom. Only to realize that when nothing was a distraction, my thoughts all too soon caught up with me, and by thoughts I really mean the constant reminder of Klaus, Klaus, Klaus... like some insane voice in my head, getting louder and faster by the day. I needed to see him. Okay I was still pissed at him, and If I had a choice I would surely stay away from him forever, but I'm not stupid. I know that that's not ever going to happen. I need him, and whether I like it or not, I'm going to have to talk to him. - This has been my mindset for the past few days, and I would have spoken to him by now - would have, because the idiot hasn't even been turning up to school. I mean come on! Just because of our little- well big argument, I didn't expect him to give up on school... give up on me, and to say that last thought didn't hurt me at all, would be a complete lie. I didn't want him to give up on me. Damn, my mind is soo confused right now!

"Blue!" Wes was waving his hand in front of my face, causing me to come back to reality, to realize the rest of the table laughing at me.

"Er sorry, what?" I asked, while they just shook their heads and began to stand up.

"The bell" Quinn rolled his eyes. Oh, when did the bell go?

"Come on" Wesley laughed, draping his arm around my shoulders as we began to walk towards Science.

A lot on your mind? Wesley thought to me as we walked down the corridor.

You could say that. I thought back.

And I guess you don't want to talk to us about it... So Wesley had noticed my guard which I knew seemed to be up 24\/7.

No. And that was it for the internal conversation, Wesley knew something was up, but he wasn't going to push me for information, for that I was thankful.

"Well, I'll see you after school. Normal place?" He sighed, as we stopped outside my science room.

"Yeh, see you there" I sighed back, I was surprised Wesley even wanted to hang around with me anymore, let alone carry on giving me lifts to school every day. I had been in a completely shitty mood since Thursday. Just then Vicky and her 'followers' swung the door open dramatically, allowing the most wonderfully familiar scent to hit my nose, much more potent than any other I had ever smelt and defiantly the most mouth-watering one. It was when Vicky opened her mouth and said one word, which made me realize what the scent was, and just who it belonged too.

"KLAUSSEY!" she cooed. Sh*t.

He was here? Nooo... I mean yes, I did want to see him. I had been waiting to see him for days, but now he was actually here, all I wanted to do was turn around and leg-it straight out of here. My heart was beating at a mile a minute, my hands were clamming up, and as for my body, well that was completely frozen in shock. I couldn't keep track of the emotions running through my body in those few seconds there was defiantly shock, anticipation, fear, annoyance, surprise... But there were also ones I didn't quite understand, happiness, need... love...

"Miss, are you going to enter the class today, or are you intending to join in with the lesson from the doorway?" Mr. Coleman chuckled, as he walked around me into the classroom.

"Er, no sir" I muttered shaking my head, you can do it Sky, just go in there and sit down. You don't even need to look at him, let alone talk to him. I chanted to myself over and over again as I took a deep breath, before as calmly as I could, began to walk into the classroom, keeping my head ducked so I couldn't see him staring at me.

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