19 - 'Battle of The Brothers'

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Copyright © 2011 Lauren Tricksey

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Chapter Nineteen

Sky's POV

 "Angel, Wake up baby." A voice mumbled into my hair causing me to open my eyes. Was I sleeping? I actually fell asleep to SAW? Yes! Thank goodness I didn't have to sit through the whole movie. I began to smile to myself as I snuggled closer into my extremely comfy headrest. "SKY?" Wesley's voice hit my ears, and I immediately righted myself, from... sh*t I was lying across Klaus's abs. Well, this can't be good.

"Er," I muttered scooting away from him altogether. Only now realizing the completely awkward atmosphere, as everyone's eyes were darting between Klaus and me.

"S...Sorry, Klaus" I muttered blushing scarlet. It was the perfect response because immediately the rest of them thought I had just 'accidentally' fallen asleep on him. Phew. I relaxed slightly as they seemed to drop their gaze, diminishing the awkward atmosphere.

"Klaus, are you guys going on your annual pack vacation this year?" Wes asked, barely interested as he stared at the rolling credits playing on the screen.

"Yeah, why?" Klaus shrugged, and I looked over to see him also staring aimlessly at the screen.

"Just wondered" Wes shrugged. Okay, this is weird. I mean is this a conversation?! Are my ears telling me that Klaus and Wesley are actually having a civilized chat?

"Don't know where we're going though," Klaus continued even though I was pretty sure Wesley was no longer interested. "Where would you like to go, babe?" Klaus smirked at me as his arm wrapped around my shoulders. I looked up to see his mischievous eyes, before dropping my gaze not sure what to say. Luckily Wesley answered for me.

"Actually prick, the last time I checked she's in our pack, not yours!" Wesley spat angrily. There goes the civilized chat. I thought to myself.

"The last time I checked she belongs to whichever pack her mate belongs too" Klaus smirked back, causing Wesley to glare furiously before turning back to me expectantly.

"Sky?" He asked, raising his eyebrows.

"He's right Klaus" I muttered, dropping both of their gazes as I intertwined my fingers. "I'm in Wesley's pack" I muttered and cringed as Klaus growled furiously like I knew he would. "I'm going to go to bed" I muttered before I jumped off the sofa and then rushed out of the room, not even saying goodnight to the rest of the pack. Oh well, I'll see them at school tomorrow. I thought to myself as I threw myself onto the bed. Urg, stupid Klaus, Stupid Wesley, Stupid film, Stupid ME! AHH!! I couldn't help but scream into my pillow as it muffled the sound, making it sound more like a whispered growl... stupid pillow!

Wesley's POV

I felt like actual shit, I was staring at the screen trying to focus on the film in front of me, but I didn't even know what was going on. I mean it could have been a friggin Disney film for all I knew. My mind was focused entirely on the girl sitting beside me. The girl I've had one hell of a massive crush on since she first got off that school bus on her first day. Damn, she's too hot for her own good. But the most amazing thing about her wasn't her looks or her cute accent. It was her smile, a smile so warm that you couldn't help but smile back, and then her personality. The way she knew who she was, she was strong willed and wasn't going to take any shit from anyone. Or the way she knew that girls would talk crap about her, and she wouldn't give it a second thought.

So today, when she told me about her mate, I'm not going to lie. It hurt like hell. It reminded me of Gianna – Well the old Gianna, the one I was in love with. (Not the new post f*cked Gianna, which is a complete slut.) The day of that party, the day Klaus and I became sworn enemies for the rest of eternity.

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