18 - 'To Lie the Truth'

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Copyright © 2011 Lauren Tricksey

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Chapter Eighteen

 Sky's POV

"WHAT?!" Wesley shouted, looking at me in utter disbelief.

"Um, I can explain" I muttered, my heart was racing as he struggled to hide the hurt from his eyes.

"Who is he?!" He demanded causing me to cringe away from him slightly. I'd never seen him like this before.

"Calm the f*ck down bro, don't talk to her like that!" It was Klaus's threatening voice which stunned me more though.

"I can talk to her how I like, and why the fuck do you care!" Wesley growled his eyes sending daggers to Klaus.

"Because" Mr. Iverson's voice rang with such authority, leaving both of them cringing slightly "he has a point, that is no way to speak to a girl!" he shouted at Wesley. Wow, remind me never to get on Mr. Iverson's wrong side.

"Sky, look I'm..." Wesley began an apology, but I cut him off. He shouldn't be apologizing to me; I was the one who should be apologizing to him. He was supposed to be my best friend, and I haven't even been able to tell him I've found my mate.

"Wesley, can we talk?" My voice came in no more than a choked whisper as I looked down at my empty plate.

"Yeah sure... I guess" He sighed dejectedly, getting up from his chair and I followed suit not making eye contact with anyone - especially Klaus. Mr. and Mrs. Iverson where completely silent, as they watched me leave. Why do I feel like such a slut? I mean I shouldn't, it wasn't as if I were dating him!

"Thank you for dinner, Mrs. Iverson" I muttered, though I still wasn't able to meet her gaze. I knew she would be sad. I think she thought me and Wesley were an item, but of course, now she knew that was never going to happen now she's found out I've already got a mate. I was just about to follow Wesley out when a hand wrapped around my wrist - and when I say hand- I knew it was Klaus's, because not only did his touch send shivers of pleasure through my body, but I also heard the faint growl from his chest. I turned my eyes to see his blazing into mine, I knew he was trying to tell me not to go, and it really pissed me off. Can't I talk to my best friend anymore? Just because you 'don't want me too' well f*ck you Klaus, f*ck you! My eyes narrowed at him in warning as he dropped his hand and I continued to walk after Wesley.

We ended up in the games room on the other side of the house.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He whispered, and it was easy to hear the hurt in his voice.

"Because... Because I just couldn't" I muttered, unable - like the coward I am, to look him in the eye.

"Why?" he asked again, and I frowned. How the hell was I going to explain this to him? Oh well, the reason why I couldn't tell you is that my mates actually your brother and I didn't want to hurt you because I know you want me more than just a friend. So instead I decided to be a bitch and lead you on, rather than tell you the truth.' Yeh, and If I wanted to lose him as a friend for the rest of my life, that was something I probably would have said. But I liked Wesley, and he really was my best friend in the world, and thinking about it now I know I should have told him, but I couldn't, he meant too much for me to hurt him like this and I knew he would be hurting now. So I did the only thing I could do. I lied the truth.

"He doesn't want anyone to know about us," I whispered.

"Well, who is he?!" I heard him growl.

"He's just this guy" I muttered, this just caused him to growl more.

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