21.1 - 'Messing with the wrong guy's mate'

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Copyright © 2011 Lauren Tricksey

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Chapter Twenty-One (Part One)

'Messing with the wrong guy's mate'

 Klaus's POV

  I watched stunned as she ran away down the corridor. I was about to run after her until I realized the screen of my phone was shinning up at me. I didn't have to look twice to see what it said....

The classroom door swung open at my touch as I smashed it inwards. The glass from the window shattered into a million pieces onto the floor, but I didn't care – Just like I also didn't care about Mr. Rodriguez who was now stood wide-eyed at the front of the class, not daring to say a word as he stared at me. Being a werewolf himself he knew his place and that 'I' - even though his student was still his alpha.

"Get out here NOW!" I roar across the classroom, letting my entire alpha authority leak like venom into my voice. Most of the students visibly cringed into their seats even Nick himself, as I stared daggers into his eyes. I'm going to f*cking kill him!

I could tell my eyes where a jet black in color and if I didn't calm down soon, I wouldn't be able to stop my wolf from overriding me and rip him to smithereens in the middle of the corridor. Breath Klaus, breath, but my anger was too much to reign in.F*CK THIS BREATHING SH*T! HOW DARE HE EVEN THINK ABOUT TOUCHING MY MATE! LET ALONE THINK ABOUT... HELL, I CAN'T EVEN THINK IT MYSELF. It made me literally sick to think of anyone doing that to her, let alone my own f*cking beta as well as my 'so-called' best friend. Well, not anymore you little sh*t!

As soon as the door of the classroom was closed behind him, I grabbed him by the throat and slammed him to the opposite end of the corridor. There was a deafening crash, and the poster board fell off the wall, and there was a crack running slightly up the paintwork. I must have used all of my force. I realized with a smirk knowing that if he weren't such a strong werewolf, it would have knocked him out cold. Good, that just means he can suffer more. I thought as I began to walk towards him.

"WHAT THE HELL MAN!" He growled to me, and I growled back at him with aggression only an alpha can master. He cringed into the wall, as his hand went up to cup his bleeding head. I was about to storm up to him and give him a left hook when I heard a shout from behind me. Urg, I'm really not in the mood for whiney human right now! Another growl escaped my lips as I turned to see Mrs. Lopez running frantically down the hall. She had always been a strict old bat, but even I didn't know what she was doing- I mean did she really believe she stood any chance against me, even if I weren't a supernatural being?

"I'd stay where you are if I were you" I warned glaring at her. I had a strong dislike towards her at the best of times, but right now I was in the mood to kill someone, so she was really barking up the wrong tree.

"Mr. Iverson! My office NOW!" She screeched. God, I really can't deal with this right now. I stood staring at her for about a second, feeling my body shake violently as I clenched and unclenched my knuckles. I watched in astonishment as she continued to walk towards me.

**Rodriguez!** I yelled in my head, turning my back to the woman and focused my attention back on Nick. I vaguely could hear Mr. Rodriguez telling her to leave me alone, but I wasn't really listening. My head contained a ball of fiery anger aimed at only one person, my pervert of a beta.

"Follow me" I growled trying to contain my anger, knowing that I was causing a scene to the classrooms around us. Most of the kids at the school belonged to my pack and were staring at the scene in amazement, but these were kids- thirteen/ Fourteen-year-olds. They didn't need to see their alpha beating up his beta. I ran my pack on respect, not fear. So I walked through the nearest doors and continued to walk across the field towards the surrounding trees. I knew he was following me, but I didn't look around as I stripped off my shirt. It's a nice shirt okay! I don't want it ripped to shreds! I couldn't say the same for my jeans though, so I left them on as I finally let my alpha take over, as I shifted into my pure black wolf.

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