5.1 - 'My so-called mate'

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                                                      Copyright © 2011 Lauren Tricksey

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                                                            Chapter Five (Part One)

                                                                'My so-called mate'

Sky's POV

He stood with his eyebrow raised, as he looked down at me and then at June.

"Have you changed your mind about my earlier offer?" He grinned arrogantly.

"I'm not going on a date with you if that's what you're referring to!" I growled I can't believe I was going to practically beg this prick to be able to stay in the state. Kill me now!

"Well what I had in mind, wasn't what I'd exactly call going out..." He trailed off suggestively with amusement still in his eyes.

"Nick! I'm not going to fuck you" I glared.

"Then what's the problem?" He asked, looking curiously between me and June.

Oh crap, here we go.

"W well... the thing is, I'm kind of a werewolf..." I let my voice trail off, as I looked to the floor afraid of what I might see if I looked into his eyes.

"Perfect!" I snapped my eyes back up, shocked to see that he was now grinning mischievously at me.

Something tells me that his perfect was my hell.

This can't be good.

Wesley's POV

-Earlier that day-

"Any bets they're making out in the supply closet" Sky laughed as we sat around our lunch table.

"Or not" she muttered and looked down at her plate.

"Why do you think that?" I stared at her in complete confusion, what just happened?

"Oh, I guess you didn't see the way they were looking at each other" she shrugged, what? She had me totally confused did I miss something? I didn't even notice they were looking at each other! Maybe if you weren't so busy staring a Sky... my self-consciousness reminded me, but she is damn hot... Crap! You're doing it again! focus. I reminded myself

"What did they look like?" I asked, only realizing after, that I had interrupted chase. Were they even having a conversation?

"Like love but more than that" she mused.

***WESLEY!*** Chase shouted his thoughts to me *** think she's right, Brody's got his guard up, HE NEVER HAS HIS GUARD UP! But how does she know? She's either super observant... or she's a werewolf...***

"weird" he muttered the last part of his thought.

Oh and that's another thing about us, we can hear peoples thoughts, well not all people only werewolves and only ones in our pack.

-end of flashback-

I decided not to push Brody to let his guard down (being an alpha, I was able to do so) instead I just decided to sit it out and wait for him to arrive at the lesson.

***He better not have found his mate! What will happen to our all guy time... oh and he better not think he can just invite his little girl, to 'our' pack... sucker for him, if June really is his mate, he'll have to settle down. Aw shit man...***

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