39 - 'Why Wait?'

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Chapter – 38

Sky's POV

By the time we had made it back to the castle's grounds, Klaus and I were soaked, and I was freezing. I had refused to get off his back as he swam across the river, but even his body heat couldn't stop the shivers from raking through my spine.

The field out back was filled with about eighty or so wolves, all where on opposites sides. On one side- was my old pack, with the Beta taking fore-front of the little formation they had made. Opposite him with a face like thunder was a furious looking Wesley. His hands were balled up in fists by his sides; Ethan and Quinn took his flank, where the rest of our pack stood behind them.

I slipped off Klaus's back as I saw Evie enter the 'no-mans-land' Wesley's eyes immediately were trained on her. He looked at her warningly, and I could see just from his expression that he didn't like her in the middle, yet after Evie did a once over on his body and realized he was alright, she stood her ground in-between the two parties.

"What's going on?" I whispered to Klaus as we made our way down the middle ourselves.

***Wesley killed James, and someone isn't happy with the outcome*** Ethan answered for me, but this didn't stop Klaus from taking authority over the situation and asking both parties what their problem was.

"He has no right to take over the pack!" The beta growled furiously, causing me to frown confused.

"I killed your alpha. You know that means I can rightfully take over the alpha position" Wesley growled back.

"You have no right, you're not even from here! You're a foreigner!" The beta growled.

"Don't bring that sh*t into this, who cares if I'm not from around here, my mate is. I'm an alpha, and right now you're an unmarked territory." Wesley stepped forward, his height working to his advantage as he loomed over the beta's form. He wasn't that much taller - nothing more than an inch or two, but the aura he gave off made the Beta back down slightly, muttering a series of cusses under his breath.

Evie stepped forward and began to give her input.

"Wesley has every right to take over the running of the pack. You know that whoever kills an alpha has the rightful place to take over that position, who-ever it is. Wesley has Alpha blood running through his veins. As much as you don't like it, Wesley's from a strong bloodline," Evie gave a quick glance at Klaus as she tried to reason with the beta. "We all know this pack needs a strong alpha."

"You don't think I can do the job, fucking b*itch, you're supposed to back your pack - not this prick!" I think the Beta realized his mistake as soon as it escaped his mouth.

In an instant Wesley lunged towards him, closing the distance between the two of them; his hand grabbing hold of the Beta's throat warningly.

"I. Am. Your. Alpha. Rule number one; You shall not speak like that about my mate, nor will you speak like that about any woman in your pack. You and others in your pack have been brought up with something I don't agree with, and as your alpha, I will not allow it in my pack. The way you treat, speak or order your women is going to change. You will treat them with the up-most respect. Which means you don't speak my Evie like that. – Now I order you to apologize" The fury in Wesley's eyes was intimidating, to say the least, and you couldn't miss the alpha leaking into his demand.

The Beta's eyes turned to slits as he tried with all his might to deny Wes's orders, but I watched in amazement as he opened his mouth and actually mumbled an apology to Evie. I was shocked, the beta was submitting to him, and it made me smile.

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