36.2 - 'Game Over'

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Chapter – 36 (part 2)

I stared up at him, clutching my head despite myself in a desperate way to ease the pain now radiating from the back of my head. My hand felt unusually warm, and I cringed as it dampened slightly. I was bleeding, but it wasn't too bad. I hadn't blacked out from the hit, which I desperately decided to take as a good sign. I risked a glance at Evie stood frozen in her cell. She shook her wolf head dejectedly. I wasn't expecting him to hit me as soon as he did so I wasn't able to put my guard up in time to block his hit.

"You know I wasn't on my way in here, but then I heard your voice... and decided to change my mind at the last minute. Good job I did too because otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to hear your precious last words with your beloved." He cooed as he crouched beside me, a look of pure hatred-crossed with agonizing pain, appearing in his eyes.

"But that's what makes me so fucking angry. I never had the chance to say goodbye to mine, before your father took her away from me. I never got to say I loved her... And neither did you." I gulped as pain ran to the pit of my stomach. He's right; I didn't say I loved him...

"Looks like the first minute is up" His face was now clear of all previous emotion as he gave me a cruel smirked.

"You can't touch me" I smirked.

"Oh? Tut, tut. A clever girl like you should have realized that a little thing like a mate barrier wouldn't stop me" He laughed without humor. "No. I can still punish you without touching you. I think it's time to inform our new player of the aim of the game don't you think?" He snarled looking over to Evie.

"I think you should change young wolf unless you're up for a taste of bestiality?" He growled at her, and she shivered in disgust before turning away and shifted back into her human form. As she quickly pulled on my clothes which laid by her feet, I couldn't help but realize what an utter failure that whole plan was.

"Leave her alone! She has nothing to do with this!" I bellowed to him as he made his way to the iron bars of her cage.

"Oh, but she has. She was helping you escape. Which by the way was the shittest attempt of escape I've ever come across in my life, honey. The last time I checked escape meant... escaping? Not hiding just a few feet from the place you escaped from." He laughed.

I sat there frozen as he stalked towards the cell. Evie threw me a frantic look, and I knew I had to do something. Think Sky, think! My brain panicked, I didn't know if that was even possible before this, but apparently, it is. I got up from the floor, still not sure of what I intended to do, of course, I had no chance against him. He had the power of an alpha, and I had the power of a small she-wolf. I sighed to myself in distress. I wish I knew what Klaus was about to say before James snatched my phone away from me, something told me that if I knew I would be able to do something with it but I was coming up with nothing. I mean he didn't give me anything that day on the boat; the day I finally gave my mind up to him, and he gave his mind up... to me. Wait. That's it! A broad smile spread across my face, and before I knew it, I was running up to him and slamming my hands against his back.

I would say it all went in slow motion, exaggerating each second of dramatic movement displayed by him, as he stumbled forward giving Evie only a second to jump of the way before he landed on his butt in the cell. I would then have liked to say that we hurriedly slammed the bars shut and locked him in. But of course, my luck had run out by this point. Since it didn't happen in slow motion like a movie but happened so fast I didn't realize what was happening. By the time I had gone to close the gates a massive fist had wound its way around the barrier and had forced it open, even as we pressed against it with all our might.

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