21.2 - 'Don't Let Me Fall'

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Chapter Twenty-Two (Part One)

'Don't Let Me Fall'

Ethan's POV

I watched as Klaus ran after Sky. Hell if he carries on like this, I don't think he's going to be able to hide the fact that she's his mate. I shook my head; I mean whoever didn't know by now must be really dumb. Klaus nearly killed his best friend, for what? A she-wolf, from a different pack? Yeah right, the only reason he would do that would be for his mate. Trust me I would know, I would do anything for mine. I shook my head and turned my eyes to Quinn. Damn, I really hate the fact he isn't in my pack, because I would love to hear his thoughts, or at least be able to talk to him while we were in our wolf form. I could see all of the wolves now looking between Quinn and me, though all of their thoughts were focused on confusion, so no one had worked out yet that Quinn's my mate.

**What are you all standing around for! See to him** I ordered the wolves, motioning to Nick's unconscious body. **Take him to hospital** It felt weird ordering the pack around, that was always Klaus's job, and if he weren't there, Nick would take charge. Never had both of them been unavailable, I felt a sudden urge of power towards them all. It was the first time I was in charge. Mwahaha. I can feel a slightly insane evil genius laugh coming on, I thought to myself as I watched them follow my order. Okay stop letting the power get to your head Ethan, I laughed to myself as I turned to look at Quinn again, tilting my head to the side gesturing him to follow me and we began to run, back to school.

Sky's POV

I can't believe I just did that, why the f*ck did I just lick him? Not only that but I licked him I front of his pack. Crap, Why couldn't I hold back my wolf instincts?! I growled to myself, maybe because right now you are a wolf. My self-consciousness reminded me. I was still running, and I knew Klaus was behind me letting me run because if he wanted me to stop, he could just overtake me and stop me in an instance. I was glad he was allowing me to run though, even though I wasn't completely alone; it gave me some time to think. My mind was like a mosh pit right now; so many thoughts were bashing against each other that I couldn't concentrate. Anger, about seeing that Klaus had nearly killed Nick was bashing against Happiness at the fact that, that son-of-a-b*tch had got what he deserved. Though both of these thoughts were clashing with the part of me, who was scared of what Klaus did, seeing the full extent of what he could do made my heart race, as the realization of just how powerful he was hit me. I mean of course he was, he was the Alpha of the strongest pack of wolves in the continent so I shouldn't be shocked- but I was. This thought was then running into feelings of sadness- I didn't want to be scared of him. I didn't want to be scared of my own mate! Then there was the other feeling, which counterbalanced all the rest. The feeling which caused me to lick him back there, the sensation that caused me to run to him in the first place just so I could protect him from getting hurt. Love, I loved him.

I was so consumed in my own thoughts that I wasn't paying any attention to where I was going, so I didn't see the edge of the cliff just a few feet away, which I was now running at full speed towards.

I skidded to a stop, but when I say skidded, I mean my legs were frozen in place, but my body continued to move forward towards the edge of the cliff, closer and closer in the matter of nanoseconds.

Klaus's POV

I was following a few steps behind her, knowing that when she wanted to stop she would. I was too busy watching her that I didn't notice the cliff edge coming increasingly closer to us. When I finally saw Sky was still storming at full speed towards it. NO! Both my human and wolf growled in unison. I leaped ahead of her as she skidded towards the edge, not pausing to think as I closed my jaw around her neck, the way a mother wolf does to a baby wolf, in one of those shitty documentaries I had to watch in science once. She whimpered in pain under my hold, but I didn't let go as I pulled her away from the side of the cliff. She was so close to falling that there were bits of dirt and stones rolling down the cliff face. I let her go once I had pushed her a safe distance away, and positioned my body between her and the cliff. Her breath was coming out in gasps through her canines looking between the edge, and me. Her heart was beating wildly as her frame began to shake in fear. She wasn't the only one who was shaken up, the thought of her falling nearly gave me a heart attack. The idea of losing her was the most painful thought I'd ever had, and as I lent my head gently on hers I realized I wasn't going to be able to hold back anymore; I loved her with all I had. I never wanted to lose her, not even for a minute, I wanted her by my side forever. She was mine.

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