26 - 'Bitch Fights and Asking Outs'

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Copyright © 2011 Lauren Tricksey

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Chapter Twenty Six


 'Bitch Fights and Asking Outs"

Sky's POV

Klaus hadn't left my side all day, which wasn't surprising seeing as we had all the same lessons together, but by lunchtime, though I pulled my hand from his as we arrived at the canteen, he frowned slightly, and I shook my head, I wanted to go and sit next to June. I needed my own space.

"I'll pick you up after school, beautiful" He whispered pulling me close once more and giving me a hug. I smiled into his chest. Just being in his arms was enough to make my heart race and the sparks to fly through my body.

"So you finally came out to the world." I pulled away from Klaus as Ethan smirked at me. "Took you long enough hun."

"What?" I frowned.

"He's been acting like a lovesick puppy since he arrived back, you should have seen him when you reject..." He began before he got hit playfully over the back of his head by Klaus, as he muttered a 'shut up.'

"Really?" I raised my eyebrows at Klaus with a smirk of my own.

"No, he's just being a dick and winding me up." Klaus shrugged and glared at Ethan who just laughed.

"Yeah, sure I am." Ethan retorted sarcastically.

"Anyway, I'll see you later" I waved to them as my eyes landed on Quinn standing behind Ethan.

"I'll see you later man," Quinn said to Ethan as he walked up to meet me. We both got our food and went to find our table, only to find it was completely empty.

"What! Where is everyone?" I looked up to Quinn for answers, but he just shrugged and sat down.

"Chase got detention for sleeping... again. Brody and June are taking some alone time in his bed, I'm guessing" I laughed as he wriggled his eyebrows suggestively. "and obviously Wesley's..." he trailed off dropping his gaze from mine as if he wasn't sure whether to speak about him or not.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked quietly as I shifted the pasta around my plate.

"No, what makes you say that?" I let out a sigh of relief.

"It's just Wesley wouldn't have left if it wasn't for me" I whispered.

"You can't help who you love" He muttered, and looked distant for a while before smiling at me.

"You can't help who you're mated too" I corrected him.

"Same thing" He shrugged.

"Really" I raised my eyebrows in slight sarcasm, but he was completely serious.

"Aren't you in love with him?" He asked.

"What? Um... I... I don't know" I stuttered, I hadn't thought that I was in love with him... Actually, I hadn't really thought about it at all. I looked up to see him looking at me skeptically.

"Have you ever actually been in love?" He asked.

"No" I answered honestly.

"Then how do you know, that what you feel for him isn't the real deal?"

"I...I..." I looked down at my tray again. Was I in love with Klaus? "Have you ever been in love?" I asked back.

"Yes," He answered just like that with a smile on his face. It was one of those smiles you just had to smile back at.

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