{1} A New World

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Blinding lights. Then, nothing else but darkness, and the feeling of falling, miles and miles. It feels like I'm falling for hours, days, months. When will this stop? I don't know. At this point, all I know is that I'm alone, cold and lost. No one who will hear me scream, no one who can help me out. I'm on my own. 


"Hello? Miss? Are you alright?" Slowly, I try to open my eyes, only to immediately close them again. This light, it is way to bright. Give me a few minutes. No minutes were given. "Miss! Someone! Help!" Again the voice. Who is it? I don't feel like I'm falling anymore... More voices. Here to help? I open my eyes, this time more carefully. My vision catches a guy about my age with ash-blonde hair, bangs, and blue eyes. Oh my, his eyes. They're remind me of the summer's sky, the blue wild ocean in the spring. "Are you alright?" he asks again. I nod my head. He smiles, and I return his smile. Who is this stranger? Then, a girl joins us. She has also blonde hair, and two braids. Her dress is a bright pink color, and she looks at me with a warm smile, just like the guy's. "W-where am I?" I stammer, while viewing the area. "You're on skyloft," the blonde boy replied. "Sky...loft..?" Never heard of that place. It's definitely not my hometown. I grunt, and try to get up. Straight away, bright spots obscure my view, and I stagger. "Whoa, take it easy!" the girl exclaims and gives me a supporting arm. "Thanks," I mumble. "I'm okay." The spots fade away, and I examine the people before me. "Well... eh..." the boy begins. "You're clearly not from Skyloft. Where do you come from instead?" he asks me. "I..." I'm at a loss for words, and look at him with surprise. Not because I'm offended by his question, but because I don't know myself. Because of my silence, the boy turns a light shade of red and scratches the back of his head. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry... But since I found you here unconscious..." he stutters. "No, it's fine. I just can't remember myself. You ment well, no hard feelings," I laugh. "Where are our manners?" the girl pipes up. "We haven't properly introduced ourselves, have we?" she says. "I am Zelda, and this is Link," she states. "May I ask for your name?" She looks at me with curiosity. "I am Selena. That's all I remember before... well, before I blacked out and ended up here." I shrug. 


Link and Zelda took their time to show me around. The people in this place are just as friendly and kind as them. At first, everyone looked at me with curiosity, just like Link and Zelda had before, but who can blame them? Zelda let me into her room and change clothing, and that's the first time I got the chance to look in a mirror. I saw my slim but atlethic figure, with roundings in the right places, my dark-brown, almost black orbs and long, wavy and straight at the same time (please don't ask me how that's possible) dark-brown, again, almost black hair. I wasn't too dissatisfied with what I saw. I was dressed in a buttercup-yellow crop-top shirt, pitch black jeans with belts, which could contain knives. I also had black boots, which were made for combat. Everything was covered in dirt and mud, so I was very thankful Zelda let me borrow some of her outfits. She gave me a lovely light blue dress, and ballerina-like shoes, also a nice shade of blue. Let's just say it covered my curves just right, because when we stepped outside of the Academy (where Zelda, Link and all of the others around my age lived) everyone -especially the male folk- stopped what they were doing to stare at us. Then the tour began. Link showed me the training building, the waterfall, and the platforms, all with an amazing view. Zelda introduced me to the people, and explained that her father was the major of the small village. I enjoyed the tour, and asked questions. The blue sky and the soft summer's breeze were pleasant, and I felt like I'm starting to really like this place.  


"Link, I remember I needed to ask you a question," Zelda begins. After the tours, we've setteled down under a tree near the Goddess statue. "Ah?" Link responds, and looks up from the sandwich he is eating. "Well, remember why I woke you so early this morning? Before we found Selena?" Zelda continues. Link frowns and takes another bite. "It was because I was concerned that you haven't had enough practise for the Wing Ceremony today. I've never seen you practise, only gliding lazily around," Zelda elaborates. "And I thought, you could get some last minute practise... well, right now!" she exlaims, and steals his sandwich. I look up in surprise, as she pushes Link on his feet. "Wait, I'm not following," I called. Zelda turns to me. "I'm sorry Selena, I already forgot that you're not used to our habits. The Wing Ceremony is an event for the students of the Academy. In a contest, they have to chase a Loftwing, a giant bird, and grab a statue the bird holds. When they catch it, they'll preform a ceremony, this time with me, and become a knight of Skyloft." she explains to me, before she turns to Link. "A'right, enough laziness for today! Off you go!" And she pulls him to the closest platform. I quickly get up too, and I give chase. "Zelda, I can't sense my Loftwing anywhere, please, just-" Link tries to reason. Zelda ignores him, and to my horror, she pushes Link without a pardon or mercy off the platform, and I dash forward to grab him by the arm. I miss, and look at Zelda with confuse and disgust. "Ah, don't worry Selena. You'll get used to it. Have you seen the giant birds flying around here? Well, they're Loftwings, like I said. We all have one, and Link's bird will catch him, without a doubt," she smiles. Still not convinced, I look down. Link is still falling. "Eh... Are you sure about that...?" I ask doubtfull. "Well...." Zelda takes a step forward and looks at Link, who is currently falling to his tragic death. To my surprise, Zelda also jumps off the platform and whistles, just like Link did just after he was pushed to his death. I watch as a giant blue bird catches her, and they dive after Link. Then, all of sudden, I feel a strong presence from below the cloud-barrier. Curious, I look into the soft, cotton-like clouds, only to be confronted with nothing. I shrug. Get your head out of the clouds, Selena. It's nothing.

《 -------------------》

Under the cloud-barrier, something, or rather, someone, is standing on top of the tallest tree in the Faron Province. Bored, he examinates the sky, until he senses the presense of the reïncarnation of the soul of the Goddess nearby. The man snickers to himself. Dumb humans. Yes, keep flying around on those idiotic large pigeons. Keep pretending you'll be safe on the Isle of the Goddess. I have a surprise for you, I'm sure you'll like it. After all, who doesn't like a gift from me? ~  He flips his snow-white hair with an enourmous amount of sass, before teleporting away.

《 -------------------》

Hiya! First chapter, how'd you like it so far? Yup, no Ghira yet, but he'll come soon ;). 

Again, thank you so much for reading this! It means a lot to me :). Stay strong, and remember to stay safe :D. 

Toodles, ZilverSong

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