{16} Betrayal

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❖ "You don't have to worry about her. I will take good care of her," I hear. "I hope you do. Otherwise, I will come for you, and for everything that breathes in this forest," the other person warns, and I hear light footsteps, a snap of fingers, and then everything becomes black again. ❖


It's been a few days since the battle with the giant Sky Spirit. My wounds are healing quickly, thanks to the good care Faron gives me. Everyday, half an hour after the sun comes up, she leaves to get me enchanted water. She's much friendlier and more helpfull than the first time I met her, but I have my suspicions that this sudden kindness has to do something with the threat Ghirahim gave her a few days ago, when he brought me to her. "Thank you," I say politely, when she fills my cup with the water. "No problem. If you need anything, feel free to ask," Faron speaks, and she leaves to discuss something with her seahorses. I sigh. I wish Link could come by to update me, how it's going, but he hasn't shown his face yet. I stumble around for a little while, enjoying the coolness of the water, and play with the fish. My thoughts dwell back to Levias, the Sky Spirit who holds lots of wisdom and knowledge, but was (if Link defeated the parasite, that is) possessed, not able to communicate properly. When he smacked me out of the sky with his fin, I fell unconscious, and Ghirahim caught me before I crashed into a very painful death. But that doesn't mean I got away with it that easily. There were more broken bones than whole ones in my body. I shiver. Ghirahim brought me to Faron, and ordered her to take care of me. She did. She also reassured me that Eudaimonia was fine, she had a broken wing and rib, but right now, the people of Skyloft are taking care of her, nurturing her back to health. That was a relief, I'm thankful that the people are willing to take care of my bird. 


I leave the fish, and walk over to Faron, who seems to be in a fierce discussion with her seahorses. I decide to keep quiet until they're finished, I don't want to interrupt anything important. "No! We cannot do that! Unless you want to drown all the land folk!" a seahorse argues. "That's true. But Ghirahim didn't keep his promise! There are even more of his devilish creatures out in MY forest! We have to step up, we can't let that damned Sword Spirit get away with this!" Faron claps back. So they're talking about Ghirahim. The seahorse sighs. "That's true. But is flooding the entire Faron Woods really the only option we have left?" What?! Flooding the forest? No! What about the Kikwi?! Faron scratches the back of her head. "I'm sorry. We have to think this through, I will not make any rushed decisions," Faron sighs, and I pipe up. "Erm, excuse me, I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I couldn't help to overhear something about flooding the forest?" I ask, while bowing to Faron. She turns to me. "Yes. While I did my part of the deal, Ghirahim decided to back out on his promise. I'm not saying that I helped you just because of the deal. Even though I'm not sure what to think of you, I always aid those in need," Faron says. "Aside from that, this is unacceptable. We agreed on something, and now Ghirahim is placing all of his men in this forest, when he promised he would retreat," Faron explains. I nod. "I understand. It was not wise to break his promise, but perhaps there's more to this tale than we know," I think out loud. Faron seems to analyse my words. "Hm. You could be right, but like I said, and please, do not take this personally, but I still don't know which side you are on. It could be that you're stalling us to give the Demon Lord more time," Faron says to me. "I see where you're coming from. I am not picking anyone's side. Yes, I have connections with Ghirahim, but I am also friends with the Chosen Hero and the so-called Spirit Maiden. The people on Skyloft are my friends and allies, but so is Ghirahim. I know the risks of picking sides, and I do not want to lose any friends. They're fighting a battle in which I never intended to play a part in, heck, I'm not even supposed to be here right now, and yet, here we are," Faron nods in understanding. I continue. "I wish to do the right thing, and follow the path that benefits us all. All I want, is peace. I know what happens when people are greedy, hateful and untrusting. I've seen it in my dreams of the past, of my past, where I helped my folk to damnation. I do not wish for this land to suffer the same fate," Faron looks at me with kindness. "I see. I'm sorry I doubted you, but you can't be careful enough these days. You've spoken wise words, and I can only wish for the best for the fate of this land. From now on, you have my trust and support," I smile thankful at her. "I can talk to Ghirahim, and ask him why he broke his promise?" I offer. "Perhaps we are more enlightened when we hear his side of the story," Faron nods. "Good thinking, but be careful. The Demon Lord doesn't like it to be confronted with his actions," I nod. I walk towards the exit of the temple, but Faron stops me. "Wait. I have something for you," I turn around, and see a blue staff decorated with diamonds. It reminds me of Ghirahim in some sort of way. "To support you, since you're not fully healed yet," I thank her, and walk into the forest, on my way to find Ghirahim. 


It doesn't take me too long to find the lying, arrogant man. He sits on a rock, brushing his hair with his gloved fingers, while tapping his feet on the ground, as if he is waiting for someone. I greet him, but when he looks to me, I feel my blood freeze. His gaze, which is most of the time mysterious, a little evil but also playful, has turned ice cold. If looks could kill, I'd be dead for sure. "Ah! I was wondering how long I had to sit here and wait, while wasting my precious time!" Ghirahim greets me without looking at me. "Do you enjoyed it? Crawling around the feet of that blue idiot?" he asks, and I can almost see the sarcasm dripping off his words. I'm not sure where he wants to go with this comment, so I answer his question with another question. "Why? Why didn't you stick to your part of the deal, Ghirahim?" I ask with dissapointment in my voice while leaning on the staff for support. "Oh, haven't I told you, darling? Never trust a demon. Especially a develishly handsome Demon Lord," he snickers. "So you're okay with this? Betraying someone's trust? Doesn't this mean a single thing to you?" I ask, and I feel myself heat up. "No. In case you haven't noticed, that's what I do for a living. Playing games, making up deals I never stick to... Pretty amusing, if I may say so myself," he grins. "Besides, I don't know why this is all such a big deal to you. You do it too, all the time! We're not that much of a difference," I give him a questioning look. "Oh, don't play coy with me. You know exactly what I'm talking about! Don't act like you're all sweet and innocent while you've been manipulating everyone from the beginning!" Ghirahim suddely snarles at me. "What? I- No! I have no idea what you're talking about!" I shout angrily. "See? Here you go doing it again. Defending yourself and playing dumb, but I'm not going to fall for it again," he spits at me. "That's not true! I have literally no idea what your aiming for!" Ghirahim rolls with his eyes, and flips his hair. I'm thinking about cutting it off. "Let's take a look at it together then, hm? First, we have that stupid little friend of yours, what was her name again? Zelda. Such a boring name, it's way too old fashioned. My great grandma would've been named that, if I had any grandma's. But that's not the point here. Point is, that you never cared about her wellbeing. You just stupidly followed in the steps of your blonde knight in shining armor, doing everything he says. Is that what you people call friendships these days? Pretending to be friends with someone, and then, when they're gone running off with their boyfriend?" His words sting. "Just for the record, I care about Zelda! Why do you think I'd be risking my own life to find her? Besides, Link left me most of the time without saying a word, so I'm not running off with anyone's boyfriend!" I almost scream at him. How can he possibly think that?! "Okay, doesn't matter, next. Next we have all those sweet and kind folks all over the place. You act like they're your friends, but do you visit them? Do you pay any attention to them? Do you even know they exist? Name five names of people of Skyloft!" I growl at him. "I'm not pretending anything. Look, I just don't have the time to drink tea with everyone, because of the mission! Which is created by you, actually. If you never snatched Zelda out of the air the other day, I would actually have time to spend with my friends!" I argue. Ghirahim raises an eyebrow, not impressed. "Okay. Well, if you keep on denying, that's good for you. But there's one person we both know you hurt and betrayed the most," he scoffs, and I look at him with confusion. "Who? Santa when I told everyone I didn't believe in him and his reindeer with the red nose?" I say with a voice full of sarcasm. "No. The person you hurt the most... Is me," 


A little plot twist! Or as you can say, a little clash on cloud nine. 

Why is Ghirahim mad and broke his promise? We'll find out later! 

xoxo, ZilverSong

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