{17} The flood and transformation

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But there's one person we both know you hurt and betrayed the most," he scoffs, and I look at him with confusion. "Who? Santa when I told everyone I didn't believe in him and his reindeer with the red nose?" I say with a voice full of sarcasm. "No. The person you hurt the most... Is me,"


"You? I'm sorry, I must have lost parts of my memory, but I don't remember betraying or hurting you," I say, not following. Ghirahim sighs annoyed. "You really have a hard time to understand people, don't you? I'm doubting whether they gave you brains, or just some dust," I feel tears welling up, but I blink them away. "Well, please enlighten me then! What have I done to you that hurt you so much?!" Ghirahim shifts on his rock, patted the dust off his pants, and rubs his chin. "Let me think... Perhaps the time you told Faron you didn't pick sides, but agreeing that you'd absolutely hate to see this world fall to it's... What did you call it again? Damnation?" I take a breath before I answer. "Yes. I spoke nothing but the truth. I think that this war between you, Zelda and Link is bad for the future of this land," Ghirahim acts as if he's surprised. "Oh? So, now you blame it on the three of us even thought you also play part in all of this? Anyway, aside from that, from what I heard, is that you associate me with damnation, hatred and greed? Last time I checked, friends didn't speak ill of each other behind their backs! I may not be the most trustworthy person in the entire universe, but at least I've never let someone down, or trash-talked someone while that person was away! I always insult people right in their face!" I sigh. "No, Ghirahim, I didn't mean it that way. I just... I want what's best for everyone," I try to reason. "Oh, so that babbling about staying on the 'right path' was nonsense, then? Because 'the right path' is for a lot of people not my path! In conclusion, in the end, you're picking sides, after all. Quite hypocrite, don't you think?" I want to open my mouth to defend myself, but I see what he means. In his perspective, it must've looked like I was plotting against him. "Ghira, you're one of my best friends here. I'm sorry if what I said hurt you, I didn't mean to upset you or betray you. It's just... Being neutral isn't the easiest, you see. I try to do what I think is best, and I can't please everyone," I explain. "No, no, it's fine. For once... I thought someone understood me. Who was there for me when I needed them... Guess I was wrong. But tell me, one thing, and be honest. All the time we spent together, talking, sharing secrets no one knew, which I doubt were actually secret, or real, all these things... Did they mean anything to you? Do I mean anything to you? Or am I just a part of some game you're playing? Because if that's the case, I don't want to play anymore. I tried to change, I cancelled plans because I didn't want you to think of me as the bad and evil guy here, yes, I might have done some things that don't fit into your 'perfect peaceful world', but don't we all do that sometimes? I tried to be the best version of me, I trusted you. And what do I get in return? The fact that you might have never cared about me at all," I let a tear escape. "Ghirahim.. I'm sorry. I know it feels like I was using you, to get away with everything and free wheeling on both of the sides, and I know I've never thanked you for anything you've done for me, but I'm really grateful to have you as my friend... And everything... Everything was real... You're my friend, and that will never change. I can apologise a thousand times, but I don't know if that's going to help the situation... Just... If you want to talk about it, or something, I'm always here to listen," I state, and I turn around to walk away. I hope to hear his voice, calling me back, saying that we can fix this misunderstanding together, that we will fix our friendship, or whatever it was that we had. Instead, I hear a soft sniff and a click of fingers. I don't want to turn around, to give myself the hope that he stands right behind me, but I do it. I turn around, just to see the light shine through the leaves of the trees, and an empty rock. It looks very peaceful, the way I told Faron I wanted to see this land. Birds are chirping, and the sunlight creates spots on the ground. In the distance, I hear a monsters scream, and then another one. I sigh, and return to Faron. It's time to flood the woods.


When I arrive in the temple of the Water Dragon, I'm exhausted. The trip to the Faron Woods was quite tiring because I'm still not fully recovered. Faron gives me a warm welcome, and we sit down in her hall. "So? How did it go?" she asks, and I explain everything that happened. Faron nods, and seems to think about the situation. "I see. I agree with you, it is time to take action. I will give you a double shot of enchanted water, you must be fully recovered if we want to make this work," she says, and she walks over to hand me a big cup of water. I drink all of it, and immediately, I feel my wounds heal and my strenght returning to me, like the accident with Levias never happened. I return the staff to Faron, and she gives me instructions. I have to warn the Kikwi, and make sure they won't drown. In the meantime, she will slowly let the water rise. I run over to the Kikwi pit, and warn them for the coming water. They panic at first, but I assure them it will be okay. "I'm not sure how high the water will rise," I say, while gathering everyone. "There it is!" Lopsa screams, and we all turn our heads. A huge wave rolls down the forest, and everyone starts to run and panic. Most of the Kikwi run over to the huge tree in the middle of the forest, and start climbing their way up, safe from the water. I have my hands around a thick branch, when I notice a Kikwi who is too far to reach the tree in time, and without hesitation, I let go of the branch and hurry over to help. "Come on! We have to go!" I shout, and I pick up the little creature, turn on my heels and sprint back to the tree. 200 meters. 150 meters. 100 meters. We're not gonna make it. We're not gonna make it. We'll drown. I push as hard as I can, and I feel my legs sour. We have to reach the tree in time. I have to save this little fella, if it's the last thing I do. Driven by determination, I feel my body change, just like the time I got real mad, but this time, it's different. I have full control, and before I fully transformed, I swing the Kikwi on my back. "Hold on!" A few seconds later, I run on four legs in top speed towards the tree, and jump. My nails drill in the bark, and I start to climb. First slowly, but then faster and faster, until I'm half jumping, half climbing. I see an opening, and jump inside the tree, which appears to be hollow on the inside. We land on some kind of a platform, and I need a moment to catch my breath. The Kikwi slides off my back, also huffing and with trembling legs. When I look up, I see the Kikwi elder and the others. I want to greet them, but instead of my voice, a low growl comes out of my mouth. Surprised, I try again, without too much result. The water has calmed down, and when we look through the gap in the tree, we see that the whole place is now flooded, the water is way higher than most of the trees. It looks like a giant swimming pool. "You might want to look down, Selena," the Kikwi elder speaks. I follow his suggestion, and to my horror, I see not my usual reflection, but a giant brown with black cat with pointy ears staring and enormous canines staring back.

A/N: just imagine a lynx and a saber toothed tiger mixed lol


I feel a slight panic attack coming up, but I take a few gulps of air, and force myself to calm down. How did this happen? I was not furious, I just wanted to save a life. I guess I transform when dealing with certain strong emotions. The problem is, I don't know how to change back in my 'normal' form, last time I did, Ghirahim was there to help. This time, I have to do it on my own. I concentrate on happy thoughts, or calm down even more. Nothing helps. I'm really not planning on staying like this forever, so I have to find a way to change back, if I ever want to face Link or Zelda, or anyone from Skyloft again without them screaming and running for their dear lives. I sigh. I know it may sound selfish, but I really wish Ghirahim was here to help me out. Thanks to me, he isn't. The Kikwi seem to be very interested by the huge amount of water, and jump in, one by one. Glad they're having fun, I think grumpy. I try to concentrate on being human again, I imagine the way I walk on two legs, use my hands, the way my face looks. When I open my eyes, I stare at my big brown paws. Useless. There's one thing I know for sure: I'm screwed.


What will happen next? Stay tuned to find out!

xoxo, Zilversong

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