{2} Sparkles in the Night

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❖ Under the cloud-barrier, something, or rather, someone, is standing on top of the tallest tree in the Faron Province. Bored, he examinates the sky, until he senses the presense of the reïncarnation of the soul of the Goddess nearby. The man snickers to himself. Dumb humans. Yes, keep flying around on those idiotic large pigeons. Keep pretending you'll be safe on the Isle of the Goddess. I have a surprise for you, I'm sure you'll like it. After all, who doesn't like a gift from me? ~ He flips his snow-white hair with an enourmous amount of sass, before teleporting away. ❖


After we searched for Link's Loftwing, which was hidden away in a cave under the waterfall by some pricks called Groose, Strich and Cawlin, we rushed to the Wing Ceremony. Luckily, it was delayed. Link performed magnificent, and won the event. He got the honor to perform another trial with Zelda, that took place on the top of the Goddess statue. Don't ask me why. In the meantime, I take the liberty to stroll around the place and admire the beautiful butterflies who flapped happily around. I catch myself zoning out into the pink, soft clouds, trying to remember the place where I was born, my last name, my life before I randomly "crashed" into Skyloft. I hear laughter. Must be Zelda and Link. I turn on my heels, and walk towards them. "Hi! How'd it go?" I ask Link. "I succeeded!" He exlaims happily. "Well done, congratulations!" I laugh and pat him on the shoulder. "Hey, Selena?" Zelda looks at me. "Do you mind if Link and I are going for a flight to celebrate? I know you can't exactly come with us since you've got no Loftwing, so if you want us here, we can-" she babbles. "No, please, do as you wish. I'll be fine! I've got lots to explore, ya know," I answer. She looks at me with relief, and smiles. "Thanks." I nod, sending her a 'no problem'. I watch as she dozes of with Link right behind her laughing and joking around. I smile, grateful for their friendship and warm welcome. 


I decide to explore the Bazar, a huge tent where you can buy all kinds of stuff, repair or upgrade weapons or armor, trade, and there's even a fortuneteller. I walk around and examine everything they have to offer. "Hello young lady! I heard you were new here?" An imposing woman asks when I walk by her shop. I nod in response, and walk over to her. I notice large bowls with colorfull stuff in them. "What's this?" I ask her. "Potions, my dear! Please, have a look!" In the next ten minutes, she explains how potions work and how to use them. In the end, she gives me an empty bottle and some liquid which is called "life potion". "On the house, my dear!" she smiles, and I return the smile. After half an hour of strolling through the tent, I start to feel a headace because of the loud sounds from every corner of the tent. I've seen enough here, I need some fresh air, this is quite overwhelming.  As I walk outside the Bazar, I notice a change in the atmosphere. I sniff around, but smell only the stunning flowers I admired earlier today. I shrug, and walk over to the Goddess statue to see if Link and Zelda have returned. When I arrive, there's no one. Nice. I scan the clouds for a sign of them, but see only the white dots. Out of nowhere, a huge black tornado appears. I have no time to react, and first I freeze on the spot, numb. Then I throw myself instinctively on the ground for protection -like that would help-

I hear a scream, and to my agony it sounds like Zelda. I look up, and see how the tornado dissapears as quickly as it came. I begin to feel my legs again, and come back to my senses. I hurry over to the major, and explain what I've seen. "Hm. Are you sure you heard my Zelda?" Gaepora, her father and the major asks. "Yes, I'm 90% sure it was her" I say while I gasp for air after my sprint. He looks at me with worry, and it is then one of the guards, who fly around all day and night, bring in someone. Link. 


I sit next to his bed as Link slowly opens his eyes, while I try to detect any injury. "You okay? What happened?" I ask with worry in my voice. "Zelda... Tornado... Gone!" he grunted. "Easy, boy." Gaepora entered Link's room. "Selena, could you give us a minute?" he asks politely. I nod, and make my way over to the hallway. I step outside, and notice the strange switch in the atmosphere again. Maybe it's because it's nighttime and I'm supposed to be asleep. I yawn, and stretch my back, which is stiffened of all the sitting and waiting for Link to wake up. 

Even though I'm pretty tired, -after all, it's been a long, weird day- I notice something move in the shadows. Maybe just my imagination. Sweet heavens, just go to bed, Selena. But then, it moves again. This time, I can get a clearer look at it. Or rather, at the person. Because of the fact that he or she is still in the shadow, I can't notice clear details, but I witness a tall, slender figure who is wearing a cape. A little beam of moonlight shines trough a window, and I see a glinster, maybe an earring? The person lets out a low chuckle, and I constate that this person is a male, since his voice is too low for a woman or girl. I try to get a better look at the man, but before my sight -which is, pretty good in the dark if I may say myself- zooms in on the person, he has left the spot he was standing in. I can't find him again, but this is suspicious. Should I call Link? Gaepora? No. They already have enough to deal with, and I too have to search for Zelda. I better try to get some rest. 

I walk to my own room in the Academy, even though I'm not a student nor a knight. It was gifted to me from Gaepora, and I'm very thankful for a place to rest. I open my door, which has a lovely nameplate with my name on it, and look over my shoulder to the quiet, empty hall. Then I notice two sparkles, watching me. I detect some kind of evil in them, and my blood runs cold. I quickly slip inside my room, and close the door. Imagination. Just imagination. I change into my nightgown, also gifted by Zelda. I fall into my soft bed, and drift off to a deep sleep. Unknowing that, in the corner of my room, with a click with his fingers, a certain person, teleports away in a blur of yellow diamonds. 

Chapter twoooo!! I have plotted the whole story out, even though it's just chapter two! Please let me knnow your thoughts! ^.^  

And yes, I know, it's kina boring right now, but I have to explain kind of the beginning of the story, otherwise it would make zero sense since I told you guys I'd follow the main lead of Skyward Sword. However, the juice is about to spill! What will happen next? We all know who this 'certain person' is, hehehg. Please bear with me! 

See you in the next chapter! And yes, there will be more of our beloved Ghirahim :)

Love, ZilverSong

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