{4} Another encounter

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"Till next time, mutt," he says to me, and with a click of his gloved fingers, he dissapears in a blur of yellow diamonds.


"The doors are open now, I broke the seal," Link greets me. I nod, still thinking about my encounter with the so-called Demon Lord. "Let's get inside," I say to Link, and we push the giant doors open. Inside, I feel a soft breeze, and I look around. It looks like an ancient temple, with plants overgrowing the place. It surely has its own beauty in the ruins. As we continue, we notice an old lady sitting in the back on an elevation. She has a long braid, that swings from left to right like a chimes. She wears a huge red hat, like a gnome, and a necklace with blue stones. We climb te stairs to the platform she's sitting on, and she greets us. "Ah. The travelers descended from the clouds above. I welcome you, children of fate," she speaks with a soft voice. "Tell me, what are your names?" she asks. "I'm Link, and this here is Selena," Link answers her question. "...Link and Selena? Ah. Link and Selena. Good. Very good," she echo's. She turns to Link. "I sense you have already gained control over the sacred power that fills your sword when pointed skyward. The Skyward Strike is yours to command," she states. "It is proof that you are fit to bear the blade you carry, the Goddess Sword." Link nods. "I've sat here many years waiting for you to arrive. All so I could fulfill my purpose as your guide," she explains. A beam of light shines upon us like a spotlight, and the old lady continues. "You stand under the roof of the Sealed Temple, a place built by the Goddess an enternity ago. Your arrival was predestined  many, many years ago. The spirit maiden you both seek, arrived here shortly before you two, descending to this land in a shower of light. There's no doubting in it. The gears of fate have begon to turn. Yet all is not how it should be. The spirit maiden was not ment to reach this land in the manner she did," the old lady tells. I raise my eyebrows. Is Zelda in danger? Where is she? "I feel an evil power working in the shadows, it moves to warp the destiny of which you three are a part. Link... Selena... You are concerned for the spirit maiden, and seek her whereabouts, yes?" We both nod, and look at her with high expectations, does she know where Zelda is? "That's understandable, but for now, you must focus on moving forward. The girl has her own purpose she must pursue, as do you two," she tells us. "She set out for Faron Woods to discover that destiny for herself, and you must follow. You're ready. Leave through the door on your left and head into the woods. I wish you save travel. Know that all questions you have now will be answered in time. For now, Link, Selena, go bravely!" she speaks, and we move towards the door. "Selena," I hear my name, and walk back to the old lady. Link turns also around and waits for me, but the lady waves that he must go to the woods. I look at her with question. "You might wonder why I called you back," she begins. I nod. "You have not the same role in fate as Link and Zelda. They are part of the plan of the Goddess Hylia, who has left us long ago. You, on the other hand... You, my girl, you have another fate." I look at her surprised. "The reason why, is because... You don't belong here."


I am dumbstruck. I already know that I wasn't from this place, but the words 'you don't belong here' are quite harsh. "You are from another land, Era, another time. You were brought here, because you have to aid the hero on his path to find his destiny. At the same time, you'll find your own destiny in this land. Do not be afraid, for you are a brave warrior. You were one back in your original era. I sense you've already met the great evil I spoke earlier about," she constates. I nod, a little ashamed. "Don't blame yourself, you didn't know," the lady reasons. "He will play a great part in your fate in this world. How that's going to turn out, that is on yourself," she says. "May I ask you something...? He called me a mutt, and he said that I have some kind of powers?" I question. "Yes. You have to find out for yourself. Re-discover yourself." With those words, she guides me outside the Sacred Temple.

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