{11} Lullaby

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"However, I did not come to argue with some blue monkey, I came here to save dear Selena from your boring interview. And for the record, in case you didn't catch it earlier, Selena doesn't work for me, so leave her be, otherwise I will not be so mercifull next time we meet," he spits at Faron, before teleporting us both away.


For a moment, I see nothing but a blur of diamonds, and I start to feel sick. I close my eyes, and when I open them, I see that we stand in the pit of the Sealed Grounds. Now I realise that I've been holding on to Ghirahim the entire time, and I quickly release his cape from my grasp. I rub my hands together and stare at the ground. "Thank you..." I stumble. "It's nothing, dear. Your hero in the red cape is ready to save the day," he snickers sarcastically. I look him in his dark brown eyes. "No. I mean it. Thank you. I don't know how I got in that situation but... I'm glad I'm out," I say, and I nod. Ghirahim's eyes soften, and he pats me on the head. "I... eh.. Why did you do it?" I ask him curiously. I thought I'd be the last person on earth he'd save, but here I am. "Well... She was being unfair. You helped her, and you got a lecture instead of a thank you. I thought that Faron would be smart enough to conclude, that if you were after the Sacred Flame, you'd never help her, because that would mean that she could stop you easier. But no," he explains while looking in the distance. "You were only trying to help. Do the right thing. And in retrun, you get injustice," he speaks in a soft voice, and returns his eyes to me. "I never knew that you were all about justice and fairness?" I laugh and give him a friendly push. "Hah! There's so much you don't know about me, darling, it's almost scary," he laughs. The sun begins to set, and we are covered in a warm, orange light. "It's been quite a day," I smirk, and put some loose hair behind my ear. "I can see," Ghirahim answers. "Well, eh... Thanks again and... I guess I'll see you around.." I greet him, and just when I start to walk away, Ghirahim pulls me back, a little too hard. "Ouch!" I shriek, more out of surprise than of pain, and I look at him with confusion, surprise, interest and a little fear. "Oh. Sorry. I forgot you mortals are way weaker than us demons," Ghirahim smirks. "It's okay," I say, while finding my balance. I turn back to face him. "What is it?" I ask for the second time that day. "Oh. Yes," Ghirahim seems to have forgotten he pulled me back and stands there with me in his arms. "I... eh... I wanted to..." He stutters. I raise an eyebrow. To see Ghirahim at a loss for words is quite rare. "I wanted to... wish you a splended evening..." he continues, and he lets go of me. I quite enjoyed the warmth of his arms around me, and the cool evening air surrounds me. "You too!" I smile, and walk off to the Sealed Temple, hoping to find a sheltered place to spend the night.


When I push open the big, heavy gates, I feel something slip inside with me. Out of instinct, I grab my bow and let an arrow fly. It misses Ghirahim, who quickly teleported away. Now, he stands in front of me. "I just saved you from Faron, and this is how you thank me?!" he calls with a curled mouth corner. I roll with my eyes and lower my bow. "One thing I've learned in my life is to be alert at all times!" I argue back. Ghirahim lets out a short laugh and waves it away. "It's fine, it's not like any of those little branches could ever hit or hurt me," he says while flipping his snow white hair. "Oh, we got attitude, huh?" I laugh. Ghirahim grins, and I put my bow away and take a step forward. We stand less than a meter away from each other. We don't say a word, we just stare in each others eyes, and I scan his face. I notice the big, blue diamond in his ear, and it reminds me of the green emerald on my chest armor. I return my eyes back to his, and we stand there in silence for a couple of minutes. Just when he's about to say something, we are interrupted by the old lady. "Ah. Selena, you have returned," she greets me, without paying attention to Ghirahim, who was not used to being ignored. "Ahem," he couchs. The lady continues to ignore him, and she looks at me. "I see that you have made a great progress in your journey to your destiny. However, I also sense that there are some troubles ahead, and that some things may bother you," she speaks softly to me. I nod, and think about it. Yes, I have some difficulties. The question Faron was asking, wasn't that hard to understand. On which side am I? I don't know. None, I guess. I don't want Link or Zelda to be hurt, but on the other hand, I'm also friends with the person who tries to hurt them. "You will find a way," the lady reasures, and I have no other choice than to trust her faith in me. "And you," The lady finally turns to Ghirahim, who is busy inspecting his gloves. He raises an eyebrow, pretending to be uninterested, and refuses to look the lady in the eye. "You're not allowed here, you unholy creature. Get out, this is sacred ground," the lady scoffs. "Ehm! Actually, he's with me!" I say, before Ghirahim can open his mouth to spit a disrespectful comment at her. The lady turns back to me. "Then, why have you brought him here? He cannot stay, that would be a great offense to the Goddess!" she says, while keeping an eye on Ghirahim. "He won't destroy or hurt anything or anyone, I promise," I say, and the lady nods. "Fine. But if he does, I shall remove him from this place, with violence, if needed," the lady warns us, and she walks back to the back of the temple. I sigh, and look at Ghirahim. "Are you always this popular?" I ask him. Ghirahim rubs his chin with his gloved hand. "Is that a rhetorical question?" he asks, and I give him a push, and walk away. I find myself a dark corner and gather some leaves to lay on. Ghirahim walks over, and watches my moves. "Please don't tell me that's supposed to be a bed?" he snickers. I look him dead in the eye. "Do you have a better suggestion?" I snap back. "No, since I don't need sleep, unlike you disfunctional mortals," Ghirahim raises his shoulders. "So you never sleep? You never felt the comfort of a bed, the refreshed feeling after you wake up? You never dream?" I ask, not believing my ears. "No," I huff. "Pathetic," I imitate his voice. "I never tried. I don't have the time to sleep," he says, looking at his feet. "Oh," I say, while biting my lip. "Well, why don't you try now?" I say. "I'll look after you while you're asleep," I say with a sweet voice, and Ghirahim sits down next to me. "You'd do that for me?" he asks, unbelievingly. I nod. "Just try," Ghirahim closes his eyes, and I feel all his muscles tense. "Relax. You took care of me today, let me return the favor," I say, and I feel him relax a little. "Can you sing?" he asks me. I am startled by the question. "Er, yes?" I ask, unsure of what he expects. "Can you sing something for me, then?" I bite my lip again. His eyes open slowly. "Please?" I can't say no, can I? "Fine, if you promise me you try to sleep," I grin. So I start to sing the old verse my mother once taught me.

🎶When the cold wind is a-calling,

And the sky is clear and bright,

When misty mountains sing and beckon,

Lead me out, into the light

I will rise, I will fly,

Chase the wind and touch the sky,

Where dark woods hide secrets,

And mountains are fierce and bold,

Deep waters hold reflections,

Of times lost, long ago,

I will hear their every story,

Take hold of my own dreams,

Be strong as the seas are stormy,

And proud as an eagle's scream,

I will ride, I will fly,

Chase the wind and touch the sky,

Chase the wind and touch the sky...🎶

A/N: credit goes to Disney's: Brave (I just love this song 0.0)

When I finish the song, I feel Ghirahim breathing calmly, his chest rhythmic rising and falling. I stroke his hair, and put his cape on top of him, as a blanket. "Sweet dreams..."


Decided to add a little cuteness to the story! What do you think? Let me know!
A/N: I changed the lyric a little bit, instead of "ride" I wrote "rise". So yes, I am aware of this.

xoxo ZilverSong

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