{18} Reunited

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❖ I try to concentrate on being human again, I imagine the way I walk on two legs, use my hands, the way my face looks. When I open my eyes, I stare at my big brown paws. Useless. There's one thing I know for sure: I'm screwed. ❖


"Having a little trouble?" I hear suddenly. I look up to see the face I wanted to see the most: dark brown, piercing eyes, thin lips, the pointy ear with the blue diamond earring, and the iconic crimson red cloack. Ghirahim. I purr at the sight of him, to let him know I'm happy to see him. "I see you've changed into the large ball of fur. How are you planning on facing Link like this, huh? I heard he was planning on shooting himself into the Faron Woods. Stupid Skychild. I hope he falls to his death," I turn my head to the side. Shooting? Ghirahim sees my confused expression, and grins. "Yes, I happen to eavesdrop a little bit. You see, the Imprisoned managed to escape from that crappy seal again, and Link decided to stay alive -which is a true dissapointment, that is- and he and that red haired idiot who has lots of muscle but zero brains, were discussing about shooting him with a self-built catapult over here. Perhaps they can aim high enough to launce him into that piece of floating rock up there. Maybe he even explodes. That would be nice, wouldn't it?" Ghirahim fantasises. I shake my head. "Not? Well, after all, he's a friend of yours, right. Oh well, not my problem," I sit down, and give Ghirahim a questioning look. Why did he pay me a visit? I thought he was mad at me. "Stop it with the droopy eyes, Selena. It's not gonna work on me, I'm still mad at you," he answers my question. I give him a purr. "Okay, well, maybe it's working. Just a little bit. It's not everyday you see a outgrown kitten, do you? Perhaps I can get you a cute collar with a tiny bell, hm? Crimson red, to match with me," I put my ears in my neck. Not happening, I'm not his pet. "No? Such a shame. I've always wanted a cat," he teases me. I stand up, and walk around. The water reaches high, and I'm not too enthousiast about getting my fur wet, just like any other cat. I meow, or at least, I try to, and look at the water. "I do not reccomend swimming after a meal," Ghirahim calls out to me. "It is proven that you should wait for at leas an hour before taking a swim," A/N: this line was inspired by Baymax (Disney). I give him a dirty look, and inspect the water again. I dip a toe in, and when I want to withdraw my paw, I hear a click of fingers. I feel a little dissapointed that Ghirahim left, but who am I to judge? I can't blame him for not wanting to spend any time with me. Then I am brutally pushed into the water, and I struggle to keep my head above the water. I hear someone laugh, and I realise that Ghirahim pushed me in. "Naughty girl. I told you not to go swimming after a meal!" he laughs. I try to splash water at him, but I'm kinda clumsy in my cat form, and he dodges the water with ease. I struggle to climb up on the platform, the bark is slippery and I dig my nails into the wood to get a better grip, but I fail. After what feels like eternity, I'm starting to feel tired, and I feel myself sink more with every second that passes. I feel panic whelming up. If I can't climb up anytime soon, I'll drown for sure. Ghirahim seems to notice and stops his witty comments at my sad attempts to climb up the platform. "You good?" he asks, unsure what to do. I growl at him. Good? Good?! Dude, I'm almost drowning! Yes, I am feeling fantastic. Always wanted to drown, that would be the biggest accomplishment in my entire life, to drown with you watching like it's some kind of a show. "Need some help?" Before I can answer, I feel a pair of strong arms pull me out of the water by my armpits. I pull myself away from the water, and lay down, tired, wet and extremely irritated. Ghirahim pats me on the head. "What would you be without me, huh?" he grins. I huff and whine a little -I never knew cats could whine, but okay- and give him the saddest eyes I can. "Selena. Stop it. No. This won't work on me. I'm not going to help you transform," Ghirahim speaks, but he doesn't sound convincing at all. I let my ears droop, tilt my head to the side and put my front paws together. "Hah! You want to defeat me with cuteness? Do you really think that's going to work?" I nod, and he sighs. "You're right, it does," I jump up. Ghirahim pats me on the head again. "Alright, you have to let go of that feeling that caused your transformation in the first place. The last time it was anger, and by calming you, you transformed back," Ghirahim explains. "So, when you wanted to save that Kikwi, you felt... Determination? To save him?" I nod heavily, that's exactly what gave me enough adrenaline to make it 'till the end. "Okay. So, you have to convince yourself that he's safe now, and you'll be your gorgeous self, once again," Ghirahim orders me, and I close my eyes to concentrate. He is safe. He's playing with his friends. The danger is gone. They are having a lot of fun, I succeeded. I don't feel anything change, and dissapointed, I open my eyes, ready to purr at Ghirahim to let him know that I failed. But the first thing I see are not fluffy, hairy brown paws, but hands. I move my fingers and feel my face. No fur. No pointy fluff ears, no tail. I did it! I look at Ghirahim with a big smile. "I did it! I changed!" I shout happily. Ghirahim gives me a little smile. "You sure did, Selena, you sure did," His expression goes from playful and relaxed to a little sad and uncomfortable. "I don't know how to thank you enough! Gosh, what if I stayed like that forever? Don't wanna think about it!" I try to lift the atmosphere. Ghirahim nods, and seems to create a distance now I'm human again, but before I can ask him about it, I hear footsteps. "Hello?" I ask to no one in particular. "Selena?" It's Link. I turn around to let Ghirahim know Link has arrived, but the place where he just stood, is empty. 

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