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Hiiyaa, here's your fabulous author again :)). No, I'm not as shiny and amazing as Ghira, but no one can win from him. But, that's not what I was trying to say. So, last night, I laid in bed like any other normal human being, and I started to think. And suddenly, the most amazing story-idea came up to me: writing a sequel to this story! I have been up all night thinking about details, plots, etc. Rip sleeping scedule. 

I'm not rushing into writing another story, though. First priority is finishing this one, and perhaps after that I will think about the sequel. 

Also, I'd like to know your thoughts on this! Why, because for the sequel, I was thinking about using the timeline of the game Twilight Princess. As most of you Zelda-fans know, Ghirahim is not one of the characters in this game, which makes it a little more complicated to understand for some readers. Those who haven't played the game, for example. So, feel free to share your thoughts on this! 

xoxo, ZilverSong

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