{25} In another life

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A/N: this chapter describes Selena's past. I know I've been kinda shady about this, so that's why I decided to write this chapter, to help you understand her character more. This chapter will be a lot shorter than the other ones, because this has nothing to do with The Legend Of Zelda. 

❖ I feel myself fall back to the ground, and in the distance, I hear Link crying and begging for me to stay. But I know I can't. I've learned that once a puddle of blood has a certain size, there's no possibility to survive. "Goodbye, Link," I say with my last breath, before giving in to the darkness. ❖


There's a saying, that when you die, you re-live your life one more time, like watching a movie. I stand in the middle of the savannah, in a tent made of animal pelts, and seem to discuss something with someone else. Evita. She's my older sister, and she's the chief of our clan. In our land, there are different clans of shapeshifters. You have the Avians, who turn into giant birds. They are a private, calm clan that avoids conflict at all costs. Second, you have the Lupines, the wolf and dog-like. They're selfish bastards that are always after everything another has. They are trying to take over the power of Nuraya, our land. There is no 'elite' clan, but we, the Clan of Carnivores, the cat-like, have the most influence, and my sister is seen as the Queen of the Animaya, which is something like the queen of the land. There are way more clans, but these three are the most important ones. We all live in our own territory, but conflicts happen when someone crosses the border. Those conflicts are most of the time quick, and without any deaths. But the Lupines have attacked and invaded our land a lot more, lately. "This has to stop, Evita. They're killing innocent people! I heard that another group of herbivores were attacked this morning! This is insane!" I argue, but my sister raises her hand to stop me. "No, Selena, we must wait. We are not sure yet what they want, and-" I sigh. "Isn't it obvious?! They want our, no, your throne!" I snap at her, but she stops me again. "No. I'm off to a meeting later this evening, and I expect you to watch over the kingdom while I'm gone," she speaks to me, while packing her stuff. I sigh, and take another look at the map that lays on the table. "If we attack North, we can-" I try, but Evita cuts me off, once more. "Enough is enough, Selena. You will watch your brother, and behave like the sister of the queen. People look up to us for protection and the right example," She gives me a stern look. "Can you promise me to not cause any trouble until I 've returned?" she asks, while grabbing her bag. "Yes, I promise," I say with annoyance in my voice. "Good. It's a long journey, and I wish to be on time," Evita speaks, and she transforms into a gold-brown lioness. She gives me one last warning look that says: 'I will kick your ass if you screw up', and then, she runs off, into the savannah, towards the rainforests. I walk outside the tent, and decide to help the people in our camp. I do some chores, but after some time, I stroll around, bored to the bone. 


After a few hours, I notice some people talking and pointing at something in the distance. I squeeze my eyes to get a better view, and spot Cane, the black panther. He's sprinting towards the camp, and I walk over to find out what's going on. Cane transforms while running, and his dark hair is drenched from the sweat. "Selena! I was on patrol at the South of our border, and then a pack of Lupines appeared! I had to deliver a message," he says while breathing heavily. "Okay, thank you, Cane," I thank him, and the hands me a small note. I open it, careful not to rip it, and read what is written on the paper. I feel my heart skip a beat, and my blood freeze. "Selena, what is it?" an older lady asks me. "It's... It's Evita. She's killed by the Lupines," I say, while processing what I've just read. My sister is dead. Killed. This means war. 


I stomp over to my parent's tent, and walk inside without a warning. Leas, my little brother, jumps up in surprise, before running over to greet me. I ignore him, and search for my parents. They have retired a few years ago, and Evita was the first heir to the throne. "Good evening, Selena. What's the matter?" my mother immediately asks. "It's Evita, mother. She's murdered by those stupid howlers," I inform her. "We must take action, we cannot accept this! This means war!" I roar of anger. "Let's take things slowly, dear. We must not jump into conclusions and declare a war," my father pipes up. "How can you say that?! Your daughter was killed a few moments ago! My sister! Leas' sister!" I say with disbelief. How can my parents be this naïve? "We know you've always been a hot-headed warrior, Selena, but please. A war means a lot of lives will be lost in the battle," my father tries to argue. "So we're not going to do anything about this? We're just letting them kill the queen?!" I can't believe it. "No, we will look into this, and figure out what happened, but we do not dive into a war without knowing the consequences," my father speaks strictly. I huff, and leave my parents and brother alone in the tent. 


 I'm not too proud of what happened after that. Let's just say that I gathered some other warriors of our clan, and sneaked into the territory of the Lupines at night. We attacked and killed the leader, just like they did to us. Of course, a war was the result. Many, many people died the following weeks. The land was burned, destroyed, and lots of people suffered. Even though I was now the queen, I didn't lead my people the way I should. I shoud focus on punishing the ones who were responsible for the death of my sister, but after that, I should have brought peace and happiness, not spread hate and fear. I am no different from Demise. I too, am a ruthless ruler, only after power and let hate guide my actions, manipulating everyone and feeding my people with envy and malice. Evita came to me in a dream. She told me she was dissapointed in me, and that she hoped I'd change the way I ruled. Of course, stubborn as I am, I didn't. She visited me one more time, and she told me that she and some other gods of another universe had agreed on a deal. I would leave this world, to aid someone else on his quest. Evita hoped that this way, I could learn to love again, and to build friendships, instead of executing every person who disagrees with me. That's how I ended up in Skyloft. I'm a queen from a different world, just as broken as this one was. I played my part, and if I may say so myself, I've grown as a person. I learned to see things from other perspectives, I learned to give people a second chance, and I learned to be patient and not rush into things. 


In the end, I'm going to miss my friends. The old ones back from Nuraya, and my new friends, from Skyloft and the Surface. At least, I died in a good way. A heroic death fighting for what I believe in is right, is something I've always wanted. To die as a warrior, who stayed true to the right path and herself. I guess I succeeded. I hoped to see Ghirahim one last time, to tell him that I love him, and that I'm proud of him. Oh well, we don't always get what we want, hm? What mattered, is that in the last year of my life, I became a better person, a better version of myself. And in the end, I don't regret a single choice I made, if I had to do it all over again, I'd probably end up here again, walking the same path I've walked now. 


Attention: this is not the end of the story! That's all I have to say for now. 

Also, this chapter turned out to be just as long as the others, lol. I hope you understand Selena's past better, and that you see how she ended up on Skyloft in the first place. I think it's important to know, otherwise it would be a very random beginning of the story. Feel free to share your opinion.

Greets, ZilverSong.

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