{20} Confessions

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We're one step closer to the final battle. One step closer to the painful fact that in the end, even though I don't want it, I have to pick a side. Ghirahim's, or Link's. The good, or the bad. But maybe... Just maybe... I can find a path in between.


It has been a few days since Link recieved the Triforce. Of course, he flew off to tell Zelda the good news. She was still in the other dimension, guarding the seal that kept Demise in his prison, and I decided to keep a lower profile, and to stay here. Link and I said our 'see ya later's' and our paths separated once again. It's not that I didn't want to see Zelda again, no. It's just, I have a lot of things on my mind right now. And I don't want to bother Zelda or Link with it. I stroll back to the Plaza, and sit on one of the platforms. The setting sun paints the sky orange, pink, yellow and red. The sight is amazing from here, and if I could, I'd sit here forever. But I know that's not one of my options. I close my eyes and breathe in the evening air. "Enjoying the view?" I hear behind me. I open one eye, and smile at the man who walks over and sits down next to me. His white hair shines in the evening sun, it has a little orange glow over it. "It's hard to enjoy a view with your eyes closed, hm?" I comment, and Ghirahim chuckles. "That's true," We sit there in silence for a few minutes, before Ghirahim speaks up. "So... You and that imp found the Triforce of Power, huh?" he tries to ask subtile. I open both my eyes, alarmed. "Yes," Ghirahim nods. "Ah. You don't need to be so alert all of sudden," Ghirahim smirks. "I'm not after the Triforce, after all. My master, on the other hand..." I raise an eyebrow. "Demise?" Ghirahim nods. "I didn't expect you to be so surprised, I thought it was quite logical he'd be after something with immense power." "You do have a point there," I agree, and fix my gaze on the clouds. "So.. We're close to the end of this war, huh," I ask, without expecting an answer. "Yeah, you could say that. But, eh, I'd like to say some things before... Well. Before we become each others enemies, once again," I look at the Demon Lord. "What? Sorry, I'm not following," I say confused. Ghirahim gives me a bitter smile. "You can't stay neutral forever, Selena. You have to make a choice, in the end," Ghirahim sighs and looks away. "And I know you're not going to pick my side,"


He's not wrong. I take a deep breath, and put my hand on his shoulder. "I.. I just wish things were different," I begin. Ghirahim turns his gaze back to me, and I feel my heart squeeze. In a few days, this man becomes my enemy again. I'm not sure if I could fight him, if I had to. "I... You're my friend, remember? You always will be.... But.. It's never too late to change things, to change fate," I say, and Ghirahim gives me a weak smile. "I know. But my fate is not one to be changed. It's written in the stars, in the books of the Gods... I have to aid and revive my master, even if it's the last thing I do," I give him a push, a little too hard to be interpret as playful. "No. We're the ones who decide what we do, we control our own actions. You don't owe Demise anything," I say harsh. Ghirahim puts a loose strand of hair behind my ear, while looking at me with his dark eyes. "I do owe Demise something. He's the one who created me, after all," I shrug. "So he's like your dad, or what?" I say sarcastic, and Ghirahim makes a face. "No! No, nothing like that!" I laugh and he pokes me in the ribs. "Stop it! Stop it, that tickles!" I laugh, while trying to push his hand away. "Not before you take that back!" I roll over the wooden platform, trying to escape, but he's everywhere. "Okay! Okay, I take it back! Stop! Stop!" Finally, the torture stops, and I can breathe again. "But what if you just, I don't know, let him rot away in his seal?" I suggest. "If it was only that easy. He will try to break free, always. So that would mean that you people will always have to battle him, over and over again. That seal is strong, but not strong enough to bound the King of Demons," Ghirahim sighs. "Oh. Well, that's no option, then," Ghirahim shakes his head. "But enough about Demise. He got enough attention for now," I look at Ghirahim. If I look back at the past year, he's really changed, just like the old lady said. Like he grew a heart, or feelings. I'm not sure if that's possible, but whatever happened, it turned out to be positive. From a ruthless, merciless demon to an actual person. While Ghirahim talks about this and that, I listen, while looking at him from the corner of my eye. First, his eyes had an evil twinkle, they were full of hate, arrogance, and malice. Now, they still have a twinkle, but this time, his eyes are full of admiration, still arrogance, I guess that part will never dissapear. They are more peaceful, not longer filled with darkness, and I'm proud that he managed to let some light into his soul. "However, even after everything we've been through, I'm still not sure what I'd do when Demise is back. I mean, when he's back to his original form. What if I forget everything we did the past year? What if I..." Ghirahim gulps. I rub his arm. "Hey, we don't know that yet. Let's not jump into conclusions," I speak softly, and Ghirahim laughs. "Such a shame, because diving into conclusions is my specialty," he grins. "If you want my honest opinion, I don't think you'll become fully evil again," I say, while shrugging. "Yes, you have darkness inside. But so do I. So does everyone, nobody is a 100% good and neither 100% evil. In my land, there is a tale, about two tigers. A white one, and a black one. The white one symbolises the good in people, kindness, acceptance, and peace. The black tiger stands for hate, greed, grudges, jealousy, et cetra. They both live inside, and they're equal to each other. However, the tiger you feed the most, will become the strongest, and so the most present," I explain. "Some people decide to feed the black tiger the most, and they live their lives in hate and greed. Others choose to feed the white tiger. It's up to you. Only you can choose which one you feed, and which one will become the strongest," I conclude, and Ghirahim seems deep in thought. "That's actually a really nice metaphor," I smile. "I know. So, almighty one, which tiger do you wish to feed?" I ask him. He thinks about it for a little time before he answers. "I think.. I'd feed both. See, I've wandered the path of evil for such a long time, and old habits never fully disappear. But, since I met you, I noticed that I started to feed the white one more than usual," he concludes. "Balance. That's the most important," I smile, and we look at the stars, that now shine bright in the night's sky. "You know, aside from the tigers, I've been wanting to tell you something," Ghirahim suddenly says, and I look at him. His white hair seems to light up even more in the dark. "Well, spill the tea," I grin. Ghirahim takes a deep breath before answering. "I think.. I think I love you,"


I am truly dumbstruck. Yes, I knew that something was changing between us, but I never expected to hear those three little words come out of his mouth. I have no words. "Oh... That's... Nice..." is all I can say. I see the hope that flamed up in his eyes, die down a little. "So.. What about you?" he whispers. "I.. Eh... I.." I stutter, still processing what just happened. "It's okay. You don't have to say things you don't want to," Ghirahim sighs, and he makes an attempt to stand up. "No, no, wait!" I pull him down, grabbing his cloak. Ghirahim almost loses his balance, but recovers himself, and gives me a questioning look. I also stand up, and before he can say anything, I give him a qick kiss on his thin lips. Now, it's his turn to be at a loss for words. "See that as an answer," I say with a little smile. Ghirahim smiles and gives me a hug. I hug back, and we stand like this for ten minutes. Then, I let go and look up at him. "So... How long do you think it will take before the final battle?" I ask him. "Hm. Hard to say. It could be right now, but also next week," he speaks softly. I nod. The only thing I can do, is hope that day never arrives. "Anyhow, I shall let you get some rest," Ghirahim whispers, before giving me a last hug. I nod. "See you tomorrow?" I ask, before letting go of his hand, that I apparently grabbed while hugging him. "Of course," Ghirahim says, and I let him go. When I walked a few steps towards the Academy, I look back, to see him, bathing in the silver moonlight. Then, he teleports away, and I smile to myself. I watch the moon for a few seconds, before walking back to the Knights Academy.

Lost in thoughts, I don't notice the silhouette of the person standing in the shadow of a building, who watched the whole thing.


Oh! Who was that person? What will happen? We'll see in the next chapter!

Until then!

Toodles, ZilverSong

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