{27} Sweet Goodbye's

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"Nu-what now?" Ghirahim raises an eyebrow. I laugh. "You know, my home? The land where I come from?" I pinch his arm. "Oh. Can I visit some time?" Link asks me, and I smile. "I don't know if that's possible, but if it is, you're all more than welcome," I invite them. "I'm afraid that's not possible," the old lady pipes up. "And I'm also afraid, that your time here, is coming to an end," she continues.


"What?" I exlaim. "What do you mean, my time here is coming to an end?" I ask confused. The old lady sighs sadly. "You see, we all know that this is not your 'home world', this dimension, you do not belong in this story," she starts. "Yes, I know. I've heard that for over a million times, the message is clear," I say a little irritated. "Then it is logical, that at some point, you have to return to where you originally come from. Your sister sent you here on a mission, to re-discover yourself, to learn how to love again, and to make friends. To bring out the best version of yourself, and since you have completed that mission, there's no reason left to stay here," she explains. "I have many reasons to stay! Y-you can't expect me to leave my friends behind!" I almost shout, and Ghirahim coughs. "And I can't leave him, either," I add, while looking at Ghirahim, who seems satisfied. "I'm afraid you have to. I'm not sure how much time you have left here, but I suspect it's less than a few days," the old lady informs us. "So soon?" Zelda asks. "Yes. Like I said, Selena finished what she came for, and so, it's time to sent her back home. It's not my call, but the Gods decide," the old lady says, before leaving us alone. We stand in the Sacred Temple, not sure what to do. "Well... Let's stop wasting our time here, then, and celebrate that we're not dead, not anymore, that is," I suggest, and the others nod. "Good thinking. Let's return to Skyloft! I'm sure the folks are happy to see us again," Link smiles. "I'll meet you guys there, I'm not lowering myself to flying on one of those overgrown lapwings," Ghirahim mocks, and he teleports away. We laugh, and walk over to the nearest bird statue. We fly up, and call our Loftwings. We cirlce around the clouds for a little while, pushing each other and having fun, before returning to Skyloft. "You guys took your sweet time, geez, I've waited eons for you to arrive," Ghirahim complains when we land on the Plaza. "Nice to see you again, too," Link bites at him, and Zelda and I look at each other. "Boys, we're not going to argue now, we're here to party!" Zelda warns them. "If I hear another nasty comment again, you will be kindly removed from the party," I add, and Link and Ghirahim turn red. "Let's tell everyone the good news!" I laugh, and we're running off to greet everyone, and enjoy the time we have left.


Gaepora organized a little party in the Knight's Academy, to celebrate we were back. We decided not to inform everyone that I actually died, to avoid questions. Also, we won't tell anyone that I'm leaving, very soon. We still don't know how soon, but oh well, when the time comes, we'll know. For now, I'm taking a walk with Ghirahim outside. "I'm glad you agreed to come with me," I tell him, while looking at the stars. We sit on the same spot we sat a few days ago, when he confessed his love to me. Ghirahim follows my gaze, and chuckles. "Yeah, those humans kept asking annoying questions. About who I was, what I was doing, ya-da-yah. I'm glad I could escape them for a minute," he laughs. We stay silent, and enjoy the starry night. "You know, I'm quite afraid what I will have to face, once I'm back," I admit, and Ghirahim puts his arm around me. "I'm sure you'll handle it. There's nothing you can't handle, you even returned from the dead, for Hylia's sake," he reassures me. I give him a thankful look. "You're right. Although I wish you guys could come with me. I'm sure we'd make a wonderful team together," I say, and Ghirahim flips his hair. "Of course we would. Any team that includes me is a winning team," he brags, and I laugh. "Sure, keep telling yourself that," I grin. "But it's true. I don't want to leave yet..." Ghirahim kisses my forehead. "Well, you're still here, now. Let's not worry about the future, but enjoy the present," he advises, and I poke him. "Such wise words from an old man," I joke, and he acts like he's hurt. "How could you say such a thing? Do you know how much effort it takes to look this fabulous?!" he calls out dramatically. We laugh, and a soft breeze tickles my cheeks. I wish I could stay here forever, but I know that's not an option. "Can you do something for me?" Ghirahim asks out of the blue. "Sure," I say, looking at him with curiosity. "Anything you say, captain," I add, and Ghirahim gives me a dry look. "Just... Don't forget about this place, will ya? Don't forget about all your adventures, every moment... Don't... Don't forget me, please," he whispers, and I give him a sweet smile. "As if I could forget the amazing, fabulous Demon Lord Ghirahim," I laugh, before turning back to serious. "No. Of course, I will not forget our adventures. You guys are part of my past, so you're part of my life. I will tell tales about you, about our adventures. You'll become great legends in my world!" I assure him, and he smiles, relieved. "Thank you. And don't hesitate to polish up my image a little! More fans never hurt," he winks at me, and I grin. "We'll see about that," We sit there for a few hours, when suddenly, I feel the breeze become stronger by the minute. I give Ghirahim a confused look, but he doesn't know what's happening either. When I look behind me, I see a golden door appeared. "Ghirahim... I think... I think I have to go," I whisper.

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