{7} Eldin Volcano

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❖  Ghirahim gives me a wink, and he disappears in his usual diamond blur. ❖


When I'm calmed down, I walk over to the Knight Academy. I want to speak to Gaepora. I knock at his door, and he answers. "Ah! Selena! Welcome back. I must say that I was a little surprised when Link arrived without you, a few days ago," he greets me. I grit my teeth and force a smile. "Yes, we decided that the search after Zelda would go a lot faster if he already went to Eldin Volcano," I reply. Gaepora nods his head, and he lets me in. "What can I do for you?" he asks kindly. "Well, first of all, I would like to borrow a sailcloth, if it's not too much of a trouble," I begin, remembering the horrofying event from two hours ago. "I understand. I heard from a Knight that someone fell out of the sky, do you know more about that?" he changes the subject. I nod, and feel a little frustrated. "Yes, that would be me," I comment, and I switch the subject again. I'm not in the mood to talk about this matter. Gaepora seems to notice, and he doesn't ask questions. Instead, he walks over to a dresser, and pulls a green with yellow sailcloth out of it. "You can have it. I don't need it," he says, and hands over the sailcloth to me. I nod as a thanks, and continue. "Is there any possibility for me to obtain a Loftwing? Since I have to aid Link on his quest, I would like to be able to fly across the skies, to follow him," I request. Gaepora nods again and seems to be deep in thought. "That is a little more complicated than a sailcloth.." he begins. "Normally, every kid here on Skyloft gets his Loftwing at a young age. You weren't born here, so I'm not sure if it is possible to bond with one," he states. The answer I feared. "That's okay," I reply, and look down in disappointment. I am grateful for Gaepora's help, I truly am. But this will make my job a lot harder. "It has never happened before, that someone from outside of Skyloft had the chance to bond with a Loftwing," Gaepora says in a soft voice. "But that doesn't mean it's not possible..." he continues, and he places a hand on my shoulder. When I meet his eyes, I see kindness, hope, the kind of love only a father posesses. He would do anything to get his beloved daughter back, his Zelda. It makes me miss my home. My family. My mother, my father. Are they missing me right now? I have no memory of them. Neither have I memory of my friends, or even... a lover? I don't know. My memory of my life before my life here in Skyloft and the Surface, it's like a mist bank. I feel some tears welling up in my eyes, but I blink them quickly away. Now is not the time to break apart. "Let's go to the Goddess Statue. That's the place where everyone meets his Loftwing," Gaepora says, and he leads me gently out of the Knights Academy. 


We arrive at the Godess Statue, and a soft breeze plays with the loose strands of my hair. Gaepora stands before the statue, and begins the ceremony. Normally, the whole village is supposed to watch, but we're in a hurry, and this is not something I'd like everyone to see. What if we fail? What if I can't get a Loftwing? When Gaepora is done, he waves me over. I have to stand in a cirkel with symbols in it, and wait. Ten minutes pass. I feel rejected and like a failure. Then, I hear wings flap, and I look at the sky. A shadow blocks the sunlight, and I squeeze my eyes half shut. Then, a beautiful bird lands before me. She has mostly yellow feathers that look like they're made of gold, the gold you'd expect in a crown, or jewlery worn by royalty. The tips of her wings are white-grey, and in the sunlight they have a silver glow. Her beak is also yellow with white, and it reminds me of the bright sunlight on a summer day. And my bow. They match perfectly. It is like the bird was ment for me, waiting for my arrival. "You're beautiful," I say to the bird, and I pet her strong neck. She squeeks happily, accepting the comment and accepting me as her master. "This... This... I have no words! I am so happy for you, Selena! Congratulations!" Gaepora exclaims. I laugh with him, and we examine the bird together. "Now you can continue the search with Link!" Gaepora laughs, and he pats me on the shoulder. "I knew you could do it! You and Link are going to make all of us proud, I'm sure of it!" Gaepora praises me, and he continues. "I shall leave you and your Loftwing alone for now. Create a bond. Get used to one another. Then you'll be ready to soar through the skies," he nods, and walks away. I wave him goodbye, and look at my bird. "Let's choose a nice name for you, shall we?" I ask the bird. She moves her feathers, and I take that as a yes. It has to be a name that suits her. That has the same energy she has. "What about.... Eudaimonia?" I ask her. "It means pure happiness," I explain. "It stands for having a good soul," That was the feeling I felt when she came down, came to me. A moment of happiness, the feeling that I was good enough, that I, somehow, belonged in this story, this land, even if it was a little bit. The bird looks at me, and she strokes my arm with her beak. She approves. 

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