{26} Return

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And in the end, I don't regret a single thing, if I had to do it all over again, I'd probably end up here again, walking the same path I've walked now.

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Link defeated Demise. With a heavy heart, he picked up the cold body of Selena, the girl who became one of his best friends, his ally, his parter in his quest. Demise disappeared, after leaving a warning about... He doesn't even remember what the Demon King said. He wipes away a stray tear, and walks towards the portal, to return to the world where his friends were waiting for him. As he steps through the portal, Groose and Zelda run over to congratulate him with defeating Demise, when they notice the body that Link carries. "Oh... Oh dear Hylia..." Zelda exclaims, and she touches Selena's forehead, and then examines the wound on her flank. "What happened?" Groose asks Link, and Link explains how the girl in his arms met her end. None of them notice the giant black sword that was also spat out before the portal closed. A red glow surrounds the sword, and then, with a bright red flash, the sword transforms into a person. Zelda, Link and Groose turn around, to see the Demon Lord brushing the dust off his clothes. "So. Did I miss anything? I must admit, it was a bummer to miss the epic battle between..." he falls silent when he spots Selena in Links arms. "Excuse me, Skychild, but since when do you have the right to hold her like that?" Ghirahim asks suspiciously. "Perhaps since you killed her," Link comments, and Ghirahim freezes. "I- I didn't! No, you're lying! This is just one of your weak excuses again, to... to.." Ghirahim rushes over, he can't believe it. No, this was not true. But it was. He pulled Selena's cold body out of Link's arms, with causion, and fell to his knees. "Why...? You! You owe me an explanation, so explain!" he commands, while looking at Link. "First of all, I do not owe you anything, moron," Link says bitter, but Zelda puts her hand on his arm. "Now is not the time to start a fight, Link," she says calmly. "You can tell us what happened," she continues, and Link takes a deep breath. "It was my fault. I struggeled to defend myself, and Selena stepped in. Demise switched from target -from me to her- and she was too slow to dodge his attack, because of exhaustion. It was a long and tiring fight," Link concludes, and Groose nods. "You were gone for quite some time. When Zelda came back to her senses, I figured that you defeated that big bully," he says, and Link looks at Ghirahim. "This is on you. I blame you," he spits at the Demon Lord. Ghirahim sighs. "You know, I have a lot of blood on my hands, and I've never had a problem to live with that," Ghirahim begins. "But she made me realise, that life was more than killing and tortuing. I.. I still can't believe she's gone," he whispers. Zelda walks over, and puts her hand carefully on his shoulder. "We're all sad that she's gone. Dwelling on the past won't get us anywhere, so let's focus on the now," she reassures, and Ghirahim looks at her with disgust. "How can you say such a thing? She died! Of course I'm reflecting on my past actions! I was weak! I couldn't protect her from Demise, I couldn't do a single shit! I was just absorbed into that damned sword!" Ghirahim exlaims, and Zelda sighs. "That's true, and I'm glad you've changed in person, Ghirahim. But this won't bring her back," Zelda walks over to Selena. "I... I could try something..." she says quietly, and the others look at her in surprise. "You mean, you can bring her back?!" Ghirahim says with hope in his voice. "Don't count on it. I'm not sure, but I'm more than willing to try," Zelda nods. "Do it! Do it now, before it's too late!" Ghirahim says, and he puts the body of his beloved one on the ground. Zelda shoves closer to Selena, and puts a hand on her head and heart. "Great Gods of the past, present, and future, as the reïncarnation of the powerful and loving Goddess Hylia, I ask you a favor," she starts, while looking up at the sky. "Recently, we've lost a brave warrior, a friend, an ally, a lover, and a companion, to an awful battle against evil. Since she completed her quest, aided the Chosen Hero, and rescued me from my own demise, I ask you to return the favor. Bring her soul back to us, from the lands of the dead," Everyone looks up at the sky. "Return her to us, that's all I ask of you," Zelda finishes, and a soft light lights up on her hand palms.

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