{19} The Triforce

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A/N: Prepare for the biggest timeskip in human history. If you haven't played the game, you won't notice (and that's totally fine!!), but everyone who has, just know ya author is truly sorry, but I will not talk about the conversations with the Fire- and Thunderdragon. All that you have to know, is that Link and Selena succeeded the trials and challenges they had to face, and that they now have enough to search for the Triforce. Another thing is, I'm trying to wrap up the story a little bit. I planned to write around 20 chapters, because I don't want the story to become boring or too long-winded. I hope you understand. So a little spoiler, the story is about to come to an end! I'm quite exited, if I may say so myself.

Last thing before we start, in this chapter, Link has to perform the Goddess Trial, just like he had when searching for the flames! This is because otherwise, it wouldn't add up to the story. I will not pay much attention to it, though. Anyway, I shall not annoy you any longer with my talking, and let's get into the story!


We thank Faron, bid her goodbye, and return to the ground. "Let's find those other pieces!" I say and Link nods. "Yeah, the faster we get them, the better," We leave the Faron Woods, and when we are back in the fluffy clouds, we race towards the portal to the Eldin Volcano.


Link and I spent the follwing months searching for the dragons, even reïncarnating them, it turned out that the Thunder Dragon died long before our time. The dragons gave us missions, challenges, battles, to prove that we were the ones that were worthy of their piece of the song. Link recieved a new shield, and I got my bow blessed by the Goddess (through the dragons) and enhanced. We are ready to take down Demise. What Link didn't know, was that, when he didn't look, or when he was asleep, I met with Ghirahim. I sneaked away for a little while without him noticing, and spent some time laughing, having fun and relaxing with the Demon Lord. Yes, I am a hypocrite. And yes, I know that one day, this isn't going to end well. But that's a problem for another day. I also didn't have any nightmares after the night I talked to Ghirahim, in the Sealed Temple, it really helped to talk about my demons. That doesn't mean the dreams have gone away, but at least I'm not waking up all covered in sweat and breathing like I've just ran a marathon. Instead of feeling sorry for myself and my people, I watch. I watch, and I learn from my mistakes of the past. Now that I have accepted what I've done, it is much easier to remember details and seeing the bigger picture. I still have some loose ends, but I'm sure, one day, it will all make sense. Right now, I have to focus on our next mission, which is, luckily, not the most difficult one. Link and I have taken a break for a few days before flying off to Levias, to learn his part of the song. We rested, relaxed and spent some time with the people on Skyloft. Eudaimonia is fully healed, and I glided lazily among the clouds the other day. I got rid of the armor for once, and I enjoyed the purple dress Gaepora lended me. Now, it's time to pack and leave the piecefull island, to find Levias. "Link!" I call, and the boy turns around, waving me over. "Hey! Ready to go?" he greets me with a grin, and I nod. "Born ready. After everything we've faced, I'm sure we can survive a flight to the flying whale," I joke. Link laughs and we walk over to the nearest platform. Link tells me about how he managed to give Cawlin nightmares due to some weird night activity, and we dive off the platform, calling our birds. They catch us, and we enjoy the peaceful ride to Levias. When we arrive in the thunderhead, which is nowadays not so thunder-y anymore, I immediately spot Levias and I inform Link. We land on Levias' head -which I find kinda strange, but Link assured me it was fine- and Levias immediately apologises for smacking me out of the sky the other day. "It's okay Levias, you weren't yourself," I smile at him, and he seems to relax a little. "Yes, but that doesn't mean it's okay. You could've died!" I grin. "Luckily, I didn't," We catch up a little, and then Levias speaks up. "So you've learned all three parts of the song from the dragons, eh? You have done well, young ones," he begins. "True to my word, I will perform the last part of the song for you. Ahem..." Levias suddenly stops swimming, and we almost fall off his head. I grab Link's tunic, trying not to fall, and then, Levias starts to hum. It's deep, and melodic. Link and I close our eyes to pick up every tune, every note. The dragons suddenly fly up from below the clouds, and twirl around us in circles. Then, Fi pipes up. She starts to dance, and sparks light up and surround her. "Master, you now know every part you need to know. The Song of the Hero is complete," she informs us. Levias joins the conversation. "Now that you know the song, I trust you know what to do with it. That old song opens a door to a great trial," Link and I look at each other. Another trial? Levias continues. "Should you succeed in conquering the challenge awaiting you there, I'm certain the path to the Triforce will be revealed to you," Link nods, we say goodbye and thanks to Levias, and jump into the clouds. "So, where to now?" I ask Link. "Skyloft!" Link calls. I don't know how he knows where we need to go, but I trust him. I follow his red Loftwing to the flying island, and we land on the Plaza. Link pulls out his harp, and starts playing the Song of the Hero. A green flower appears on the ground, and we take a look at it. Fi flies out of Link's sword, and commands him to play the song on the rhythm of her voice. The leaves of the flower unfold, and Fi gives Link further instructions of the trial. I cannot go with him, so I wait patiently while Link lays down on the ground. It's quite weird, because when he said to Fi that he was ready, his body became fully relaxed, like he was asleep. Fi explained to me that this trial was not in this world, but in Link's mind. I nodded, and watched over him as he completed the trial.


When he opens his eyes again, I start firing questions. "How was it? Did you succeed? What was the trial?" Link laughs, and explains that he had to collect waterdrops without getting caught by guards. It is called the Trial of the Silent Realms. I congratulate him, and Fi gives us further instructions of how to get to the Triforce. Apparently, when Link completed the trial, he recieved a Stone of Trials, an orange stone with the symbol of the Trifoce on it, and we must find a similar object on Skyloft if we want to reveal the path to the Triforce. We look around for hours, and then, we find it. It is very well hidden, if you aren't looking for it, you won't find it. The eye of a bird statue. It's also orange, with also the symbol of the Triforce on it. Link inserts his Stone of Trials in the other eye, that is missing, and we wait. Suddenly, a bright light shines through the eyes of the bird, and I put a hand before my eyes to block the sudden lightbeams. The stone bird statue begins to spin, and it opens its mouth to shoot a cannonball into rock underneath the island. Light shines through the rips, and I'm afraid the island will collapse. It does. The Goddess Statue slides out, as the enormous rocks crumble. When the dust is gone, I see an entrance into the part that slit out of the Goddess Statue, and I point at it. "Look! I think we need to go that way!" I tell Link, and he nods. We call our birds, and fly towards the opening. The place is called the Sky Keep. It's huge, and a little similar to the other dungeons we've faced. There are seperated rooms, and every room represents one of the lands below the clouds. In one, we have to drag along the Time Stones, just like we had to in the Lanayru Dessert. In another, we have to face the scorching heat of the Eldin Volcano, and in another we had to swim until our lungs burnt. Of course, there were also many enemies to fight off. Link and his Master Sword, they were absolutely invincible. Thanks to the dragons, who enhanced my bow, I was also able to use Arrows of the Light, which held a similar power to Link's Skyward Strike. Link had to dig underground for a couple of times, and while he was doing whatever he was doing, I stood watch, shooting enemies with the blinding light without trouble.

And finally. After many battles, many tears, and many speeches about continuing and saving everyone from the great danger Demise, we reached the end. In another Silent Realm, Link recieved the Triforce of Power. We're one step closer to the final battle. One step closer to the painful fact that in the end, even though I don't want it, I have to pick a side. Ghirahim's, or Link's. The good, or the bad. But maybe... Just maybe... I can find a path in between.


Yay! I wrote three chapters in one day! Whoop whoop! Before commenting, I know there was no room that was like the Faron Woods, or with water. But I think there should be, because why only the dessert and the lava thingy? So yes, I know that part is not completely in line with the game, but I liked it better this way :P.

Tomorrow, I will write and publish the LAST chapters! Omiguudd!! Our journey is almost over, what will happen? Feel free to share your thoughts!

xoxo, ZilverSong

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