{21} Into the past

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❖ Lost in thoughts, I don't notice the silhouette of the person standing in the shadow of a building, who watched the whole thing. ❖


"Wake up. Selena, wake up, for Hylia's sake!" Someone screams in my ear. Do these people know no respect?! Never wake up someone who was dreaming a wonderful dream about pink puppies and rainbows. I open one eye, only to give Link a dirty look. "What?!" I say, incredibly annoyed. "We go. Now. Gather your stuff, and meet me outside in five minutes," Link says gruff. I wonder what's gotten into him. He's never been so grumpy. I shrug, and do as he says. I change my pyjama's for my armor that I cleaned yesterday, and put on my washed clothes. When I'm done, I grab my bow that leans on the end of my bed. I put it on my back, and yawn while grabbing a sandwich from the kitchen. When I push open the double door of the Knight's Academy, Link is already waiting for me. "You took your time," is all he says, and I look at the clock. "I took four and a half minute," I argue back, but Link doesn't answer. "So, where are we going? It better be somewhere important, since you brutally ruined my rest," I joke, and Link looks at me. The coldness in his eyes scare me, and I wonder what happened. Something must've caused this change of behaviour, no? "So... eh... How's Zelda?" I ask, to lift the atmosphere. "She is in still in a crystal," Link snarls at me. "Oh.. I thought you visited her a few days ago?" I ask, and again, I don't get an answer. Maybe he's just not a morning person. We dive off a platform in silence, and I keep my mouth shut while I follow his red bird towards the portal to the Faron Woods. We land in before the Sealed Temple, and without waiting for me, Link pushes the big gates open. I slip inside before they close again, and I stay silent. I walk over to Link, but I stop when I stand half beside, half behind him. The old lady and Groose greet us, and suddenly, a bright light fills the room. I squeeze my eyes almost shut, and I see big gates open slowly behind the platform where the old lady used to sit. Curious, I walk over to the gates, followed by Link. I feel his eyes burn in my back, but I refuse to look back. Then, I see what Link was talking about. A huge orange crystal, with a person in it. Must be Zelda. Inside the crystal, a light flickers, like a heartbeat. It shines brighter and brighter, cracks appear, and then, it suddenly bursts open. Zelda steps out of the remaining pieces of the crystal, and gives Link and me a warm smile. We smile back, and she walks off the stairs, which are connected to the platform where the crystal stood on. "Hello, friends. It's good to see you again, Link, Selena," she says and I nod. "Good to see you too, Zelda," I say as we watch how she walks over to us. On the last step of the stairs, something happens. It's like she's fainting, her body relaxes, and she falls to the ground. Link and I rush over to catch her, and Link apparently forgot that he's mad at me, because he looks at me with confusion. "What happened to her?" I ask, and Link shakes his head. "I have no idea, but this isn't good," Zelda seems to come back to her senses, and slowly opens her eyes. "Good morning, Link," she says with a weak smile. Link relaxes, and we help Zelda up. "What happened?" I ask her. She smiles warmly at me. "Being trapped in a crystal and watching over the seal costs much energy, you see. My body was just tired, but I'm fine now," she laughs. I nod. Link supports her to the others, and I walk behind them, in case she faints again and falls back. When Groose sees Zelda, he has no words. He just stands there, before rushing over to give her a hug. He suddenly starts to cry because of happiness, and the tree of us give each other confusing looks. To watch such a big guy burst out of tears, well, it's kinda weird. We laugh it off. When Groose stops crying, he walks over to Link to shake him around. "You've done well, Link, and you too, Selena!" he cries out, and he walks over to me to also shake the sweet Hylia out of me, but I politely refuse his 'thanks'. Then, Groose runs over to the old lady to give her a hug as well. Aside from the relief that Zelda is okay, I also feel a change in the atmosphere. We're not alone. The grounds starts to rumble out of nowhere, and we all fall to the ground. I quickly get up, and I grab my bow, just to be sure. If we're under attack, I can fire immediately. But the person stepping out of the shadows isn't someone I wouldn't fire an arrow at. Maybe in the past, but not anymore. I couldn't. Out of the shadows, steps Ghirahim. 

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