{15} Levias

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We stay behind, and I walk outside, to the pit where we just defeated the black monster. Where we just defeated the spirit of Demise.


After what feels like an hour, Link returns. He looks pale white, almost as white as Ghirahim's hair. I run towards him. "Hey... What happened?" I ask, but he shakes his head. "We have to defeat Ghirahim. We have to defeat all the evil in this land. Only when they're all gone, Zelda is able to come back," he says sadly. "She... She's not coming back..?" I ask in shock. "No. She has to protect te seal, make it harder for the beast to break free again," I look at the Gate of Time. "But that doesn't guarantee that he won't," I think out loud. "Exactly my thoughts. And when he does, that would bring Zelda in great danger, and we can't risk that," Link comments. He's right. We have to do something. "Perhaps someone back in Skyloft can help you," the old lady suggests. Link and I look at each other and we both think the same. Major Gaepora.


When we arrive in Skyloft, we decide to take a good rest before we continue our quest. We agree to meet after lunch tomorrow, and we both return to our rooms. The next day, we shove our sandwiches into our mouths, and search for the major. He's in his room, and we knock politely before entering. After we talked to Gaepora, we head off to instructor Owlan. Gaepora told us about the Sky Spirit Levias, who nowadays resides in the thunderhead in the clouds, close to Skyloft. I've never been in there, but Link has. He traveled into the storm to learn the Goddess songs for some of his quests. Instructor Owlan knows Levias better than most people, and we're hoping he can give us more information. We knock on his door, and enter the room. I see plants everywhere, and I take a moment to look around, while Link asks for Levias. Owlan agrees to inform us, and apparently, Levias has gone mad. He once was a wise and kind spirit, but since a few months ago, around the time the thunderhead appeared for the first time, he was beyond reasoning. No one could come near without being attacked. Owland suspects that he's possessed by something, and we're determinded to find out what. "There's no way I can talk this out of your heads, can I?" Owlan asks us with a little smile. We shake our heads. "Fine. But before you go, I have to know if you're up for the task. Come with me," We follow Owlan to the platform near the Goddess Statue, and wait. "See, since Levias has become very dangerous, I have learned your Loftwings the 'spin attack'. They will perform it with ease now, but you must prove that you are skilled enough to go into that thunderhead!" We nod, a challenge! We agree that we have to break 10 targets within two minutes, and Link and I dive off the platform and call our Loftwings. On the floating rocks, carried by birds, the targets aren't that hard to find, or to hit. Even though I'm less skilled than Link, I also manage to break 10 targets within the two minutes. We give each other a high five, and Owlan calls for us. "Well done! I recommend visiting the Lumpy Pumpkin before you go! The owner brought Levias soup, and perhaps that will bring him back to his senses!" We wave goodbye, and fly off to the Lumpy Pumpkin. When we set foot inside, we are greeted by the owner. We explain the situation, and he is more than happy to help us out. He tells us the same story Owlan told us, and after Fi called a robot to carry the heavy cauldron of soup (another thing I apparently missed), we're all ready to go. Once we fly into the thunderhead, I feel the rain on my skin. We put the pumpin soup on the island with the everlasting rainbow, like the owner of the Lumpy Pumpkin told us, and we wait. After a few minutes, we hear a sound. We look arouond us, but see nothing. Suddenly, a whale -yes, a flying whale, physics has left the chat- appears in front of us. His eyes shine red, full of hate and malice. They look very creepy, like Owlan described. Out of its body hang tentacles with disgusting eyeballs at the ends. I almost vomit at the sight of it, but Link gives me an encouraging pat on the shoulder. "It really does look frightening, doesn't it?" He laughs nervous. I give him a little smile back, while my insides are turning upside down again. "We have to defeat it! For Zelda!" Link reminds me, and I nod. For Zelda. We call our Loftwing, and we hop on. The battle has begun.


There's too much noise to communicate properly, so we have to signal each other. We fly up to the sides of the whale. Link signals me, and I watch in horror how he dives towards one of the eyeballs, and performs a spin attack. The eyeball bursts in some green slime. The stench is almost unbearable, and I feel my lunch rise up to my throat. With disgust and fear, I follow Link's example, and dive towards an eyeball. I let Eudaimonia perform a spin attack as well, and before I know it, my bird and I are covered in a thin layer of green slime. Luckily, the rain pours some of the slime off, but that doesn't mean I can't smell the stench anymore. I breath through my mouth, which is not covered with slime, and dive for the next eyeball. Bullseye. In the corner of my eye, I notice that Link has exploded all of the eyeballs at his side of the wale, and I hurry up to the last one at my side. With all the eyeballs gone, I feel a little relieved. I fly up to Link, and we laugh at each other, both covered in slime and we stink like never before. Then, I notice something weird on the head of the wale. It looks like some parasite, and I point at it. Link follows my finger, and he signals that he's going to investigate. I watch him bring his Loftwing closer to the whale, and I circle around the Sky Spirit to help Link if he needs it. I see that Link grabs his sword, and the parasite spits some kind of acid at him, but he dodges. He hits the parasite, and that patern continues. I'm so caught up with the battle under me, that I pay no attention to Levias, who decided that it was a good idea to swip upwards. I can barely swerve before I get hit, and I'm too slow. His right fin slaps me and Eudaimonia out of the air, and we fall to the ground.


I slowly open my eyes. Everything hurts. Am I dead? Where is Link? Did we succeed? Where is Eudaimonia? Everything is blurry, and the more I think, the more my head hurts. "You have to help her! You're the only one who can actually help her! The other two are just morons and they will melt her if they are not careful enough!" Who is speaking? I faintly recognise the voice. A deep, yet melodic voice. "Why don't you do it yourself? I thought you were the almighty one!" Someone else is here, too. Both the voices sound familiar, but I can't quite place them. "You call yourself a dragon, yet you decline your help to those in need. What would the Goddess say of that, huh?" Again that voice. "Hm. You do have a point there. But I will not aid someone who's trying to destroy this land. So I ask you again: why should I?" Please stop talking. I just want to sleep. "Because she is special. She is not on my side, everything she's done was to help that stupid skychild restore the peace and balance! I'm not asking you as a friend. I'm asking you a favor. If you do this for me, I promise to leave the Faron Woods alone, at least for now," Silence. "I shall also call back all of my minions. Is that not enough for you?!" I hear a low growl. "Fine. She can stay. You, on the other hand, cannot. You shall gather your small annoying imps and leave this place," I hear a soft huff. "Agreed. Always a pleasure doing business with you," Business? What business? I feel that someone places me gently on the ground, and I feel water surround me. Am I going to drown? "You don't have to worry about her. I will take good care of her," I hear. "I hope you do. Otherwise, I will come for you, and for everything that breathes in this forest," the other person warns, and I hear light footsteps, a snap of fingers, and then everything becomes black again.


Oohoohoo! Who were those voices talking? I think I've dropped enough hints to find out, lmao.

Anyway, I wish you a wonderful day and I hope to see you in the next chapter!

Laters, ZilverSong

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